Helping Out Those in Doubt

How Confessors Can Identify and Utilize Scrupulosity for the Good of Souls

“Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It’s been twenty minutes since my last confession.” This statement is likely to come from a scrupulous soul, or one who is swayed by fear of having sinned when in fact no sin has been committed. This c … [Read more...]

Adult Formation of the Laity: The Catechetical Priority

On any Sunday morning, stop into your local Protestant church, regardless of denomination, and you will find huddled in a small cluster on the side a group of adults studying the Bible while their children attend religious school. This is … [Read more...]

Theological Formation as Ethical Instruction

Clement of Alexandria’s Catechetical Method, Part Two

Go to Part One This essay examines the pedagogical contribution of Clement of Alexandria (A.D. 150 – 215), with focus on pedagogical pragmatism as the basis for prescribed moral purification, and implications for contemporary c … [Read more...]

“The Wind Blows Where It Wills”: Understanding the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The Second Vatican Council, in its document Gaudium et Spes, teaches us that only in the mystery of the Incarnate Word does the mystery of man take on light, that Christ fully reveals man to himself. The goal of this article is to shed more … [Read more...]

Induction and Allegory: Clement of Alexandria’s Catechetical Method

This essay examines the pedagogical contribution of Clement of Alexandria (A.D. 150 – 215) and implications for contemporary catechesis. Inductive Learning and Catechesis Allegorical exegesis, a unique aspect of Clement’s method, presents … [Read more...]

Embodiment and Integral Witness

Pope Francis’ Early Teaching on Catechesis

As a bishop, Jorge Bergoglio communicated profound truth in a simple manner. In words as in deeds he embodied the goal of total identification: “My people are poor and I am one of them” was a plain fact that undergirded his episcopal min … [Read more...]

The Work of Catechesis for Priests and Deacons

Foreword by Rev. John P. Cush: “HPR Ressourcement, Part II” As you, as our faithful reader (or even new reader!) might know, this journal, now known as Homiletic and Pastoral Review, was founded over 123 years ago. When I think about the pr … [Read more...]