Spending the Christmas season in the Holy Land has made me much more sensitive to how communities are “ringing in” the New Year. As the date turned from 2014 to 2015, two very different calls for solidarity made the news. On the one hand, J … [Read more...]
Why God Becomes Human
The Advent and Christmas seasons are upon us. Like the reality itself, we Christians have to look more deeply to see the mystery beneath the glitter and the commotion. God has now descended into his creation to take up his rightful place as … [Read more...]
Reflections on God’s Providence
Pope Francis and the Synod on the Family
November always begins with our remembering what true life in Christ looks like—All Saints—and ends with our anticipation of a new chance at that same rejuvenation—Advent. In the Christian calendar, November is the month of transition: the l … [Read more...]
Holiness and Helmets
A monthly editorial will always lag a bit behind current affairs, especially these days, when most of us no longer get our headlines once a day from a morning newspaper, but off the internet every couple of minutes. Yet, these past few … [Read more...]
Pope Francis and Islam
...with all the headlines, and all the ugly truths surrounding ISIS, and other Islamic factions, how is a Christian to think of such a religion which is seemingly intent on destroying Christians and the Gospel of Jesus? Pope Francis … [Read more...]
God’s Love for Us
...the Son Jesus Christ has revealed the true nature of God the Father’s love for us: a love who becomes incarnate, not despite our sinfulness, but precisely because of it—a love that longs to suffer on behalf of the beloved, a love that say … [Read more...]
A God of Created Desires
Editorial for June 2014
The Lord has given us desires, and wants to fulfill them, with his care, and with his peace; he wants us to flourish in knowing him, and directing all endeavors and expectations to him. St. Ignatius of Loyola knew, better than most, of … [Read more...]
Abuse & Scandal
Editorial for May 2014
We see in Francis’ interactions with children Jesus’ own special affection for God’s littlest and most vulnerable ones. And it is that same reverence and love which must be the work of every Christian, priests first and foremo … [Read more...]
“Ex Corde Ecclesiae” and the Importance of a Catholic Education
Editorial for April 2014
Ex Corde ... is not a document that stifles academic research or expression; it is a document that simply wants to allow Catholic schools to be, well, Catholic. Was it not William F. Buckley who famously quipped that he would rather be … [Read more...]
Our Lenten Imitation of Christ
Editorial for March, 2014
...Lent is a time of imitating Christ ... a plan to follow Christ, led by the Spirit, to wherever he desires to take us. For the Church’s Season of Lent this year, Pope Francis has invited us all to reflect on the significance of 2 Cor … [Read more...]
The Papacy: The Person Versus The Office
What draws the secular media to the Vatican ... (for now) is the man who is able to translate these truths into action, and to proclaim our doctrine with personal conviction. It is one of those few moments forever emblazoned on my mind … [Read more...]
Checking the Calendar
(The Ephiphany) celebrates the end of man’s being held captive by the natural elements. We are not fated but free. None of us is pre-determined, but now made children of God by the humanity of his only divine Son. God the Father (righ … [Read more...]
Understanding Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, “Evangelii Gaudium”
Evangelii Gaudium is ostensibly the Pope’s response to the Synod last October ... but it is much more than a simple reporting on what happened there. It is the outlining of the key themes Pope Francis hopes will constitute his po … [Read more...]
Mysterium Fidei: The Year and the Encyclical
Both Benedict and Francis must see the need to stress the basic theological virtue of trusting in God for a reason at this point in time. November brings the Year of Faith to an end. And what a year it was. The Year of Faith was i … [Read more...]
“La Petite Voie” of Thérése of Lisieux
Here was one of the most brilliant popes the Church has ever seen declaring that little Thérése Martin was to be studied and analyzed alongside the great Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and Robert Bellarmine! St. Therese of Lisieux: as a ch … [Read more...]
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