Questions Answered

Questions Answered – December 2023

Christ’s Action in the Liturgy Question: The priest is said to act “in the person of Christ” during the Eucharist prayer. Is this true only at the words of institution or during the whole Mass? Answer: As a ritual, the Mass is heaven on … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – November 2023

The Place of Communion in the Mass Question: During the 40s and 50s, come Communion time at Mass, very few people walked up to the altar rails. Yesterday I read that one’s attendance at Mass is not complete without receiving the Eucharist ( … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – October 2023

The Reasons for Marian Devotion Question: Would Fr. Mullady please explain the Church’s emphasis on Mary? Since the answer could be lengthy, recommending a few core texts would be very helpful. It seems that Marian devotion is a wonderful g … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – September 2023

What American Education Lost Question: What is the bottom line in the almost universal rejection of objective truth in American education today? Answer: This problem is twofold. One is the destruction of Western Civilization. The other … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – August 2023

Question: Does an erroneous conscience bind a person to act since it does not correspond to reality? The most difficult problem in contemporary morals is not the doubtful conscience, but—given the tendency in the subjectivism of the p … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – July 2023

When Conscience Is Mistaken Question: Much has been made of the primacy of conscience today in morals. Even some bishops have claimed that as long as a subject is following their conscience, the Church must support their decision no matter … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – June 2023

Church Teaching on Living Wills Question: Many states are encouraging living wills to settle end of life decisions. Is this wise? What is the teaching of the Church on this subject? Answer: The Church is enthusiastic to promote the … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – May 2023

Guilt in the Spiritual Life Question: Can you explain guilt to me? Is it good or bad for the soul? Answer: To understand the place of guilt, it is necessary to recall that every moral act involves three powers of the soul: the … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – April 2023

Did Jesus Suffer for All Sins? Question: There seems to be a way God suffers for souls in sin on earth (related to atonement), but it seems that it cannot be said that God suffers for souls in hell nor for fallen angels. Can you clarify … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – March 2023

The Challenges of Priestly Formation Question: How can the challenges of priestly realities be controlled within formation? Answer: Over the years there have been numerous documents approved by the USCCB for priestly formation in the … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – February 2023

God “Breaks Into” Time Question: Why do we say that God is breaking into human history when speaking of Jesus? What is God breaking into? The Heaven-Earth divide? Answer: This term, which comes to us from contemporary theology, is act … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – January 2023

Are the Son and the Father Equal? Question: How can the three persons of the Trinity be equal if Father and Son is a hierarchical relationship? Answer: Your question strikes at the very heart of the Christian religion and was the first … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – December 2022

The Mass as Sacrifice Question: Why do you call the Mass a sacrifice? Does not Paul say the sacrifice of the Gentiles is a sacrifice to demons? “A broken and contrite heart O Lord thou will not despise,” I read in the psalms. Answer: Sac … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – November 2022

Incomplete Consecration and its Consequences Question: At Mass yesterday, the parish priest forgot to bring wine in preparing for Mass. Instead of going to the sacristy to get some he remained in the sanctuary and consecrated the hosts — b … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – October 2022

Church Teaching and the Theological Ethics of Life Question: There has been much talk about the Church changing her teaching on Humanae Vitae. This apparently is due to a recent document from the Pontifical Academy of Life: Theological … [Read more...]