Questions Answered

Questions Answered – December 2020

Joseph and the Virginal Conception Question: What was Joseph’s state of mind when he knew for certain that Mary was with child? I cannot believe he doubted her purity, despite the reality before him. Answer: This is a very important q … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – November 2020

A Scrupulous Conscience Question: I suffer from OCD and scrupulosity. What is the best thing to do about confession? I keep making General Confessions and I still have many doubts. It is ruining my spiritual life. My confessor said never … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – October 2020

The Question of Gluten-Free Hosts Question: Are the following valid matter for the Eucharist: grape juice or gluten-free hosts? Answer: I am astonished at how many questions I get about what constitutes valid matter for the Eucharist. … [Read more...]

Questions Answered — September 2020

Explaining Intinction Question: What is intinction? Why is it practiced? Is a concelebrating priest who does it celebrating Mass? Answer: The practice of intinction involves the priest taking the Sacred Host from the paten or ciborium, … [Read more...]

Questions Answered — August 2020

The Obedience of Christ Question: Did Christ vacillate in his perfect obedience when he said, “If it is possible, let this cup pass me by”? Would this not compromise the atonement? Answer: The atonement is a concept which is much mis … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – June 2020

Absence of God? Question: Pope Emeritus Benedict published a letter last year in which he attributed the pedophilia crisis in the clergy to an absence of God. Our Church and clergy are wholly dedicated to God, right? Can you explain how … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – March 2020

Last Rites for the Clinically Dead? Question: Is it possible to perform the sacrament of the sick on someone who has been pronounced clinically dead? If so, up to how long after clinical death can this sacrament be performed? Answer: … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – February 2020

Purgatory and Filthy Lucre Question: I teach RCIA and a catechumen in my class said he was taught that Catholics dreamed up Purgatory as a way to get money from people. I know Purgatory is referred to in Maccabees and responded that … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – January 2020

Infallibility and Canonization Question: Pope Francis recently canonized Pope Paul VI and Oscar Romero. Can you explain to me how canonization relates to the infallibility of the Pope? Answer: This is an important question because the … [Read more...]

Questions Answered for December 2019

What Are Cardinals? Question: There has been a lot of controversy in the Church in the last year about how Theodore McCarrick could have risen to the rank of cardinal. What is the function of the College of Cardinals? Answer: Though … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – September 2019

Love in Context of Abusive Relationships Question: Am I wrong and sinning if I do not like family members who mistreat me? Answer: This question actually has two prongs to it. The one has to do with the relationship of volitional to … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – July 2019

Good Friday, the Cross, and Foot Washing Question:  Does Good Friday veneration of the Cross involve only a crucifix, or can a simple wooden cross be used? Is it appropriate, when reading the Gospel on Holy Thursday, for the laity, … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – June 2019

Attending a Greek Orthodox Wedding Question: Is it permissible for a Catholic to attend either the ceremony or reception of a Catholic marrying a Greek Orthodox at a Greek Orthodox Mass without a Catholic priest present? Answer: The … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – May 2019

Handling the Precious Blood Question: During Mass, wine is consecrated in a chalice and we believe it becomes the Precious Blood of Jesus. I understand that it should not be poured out into any other vessel and given to Eucharistic … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – April 2019

Do Baptized Converts Need Confession First? Question: During the Easter Vigil, non-Christians are baptized, receive First Communion and are confirmed, while converts are received into full communion with the Church, meaning also and above … [Read more...]