Winter Reading 2017

A Theology of Grace in Six Controversies. Edward T. Oakes, S.J. (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 2016) 248 pages; $28.00 paperback. Reviewed by Steven J. Meyer, S.T.D. John Lawrence Hill, After the Natural Law: How the Classical … [Read more...]

To Whom Shall We Go?

(“To whom shall we go?” John 6: 66-69)[1. “As a result of this, many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him. Jesus then said to the Twelve, ‘Do you also want to leave?’ Simeon Peter answered him, … [Read more...]

A Revolutionary Attraction

Americans have been living in an historical moment during which their existential awareness of what it means to be human has been drastically altered. Many of these changes are the consequence of a more extensive series of shifts in … [Read more...]

Anemic Parishes and Parish Life

We all know the Catholic Church can never die, because her Head, Jesus Christ, is alive and can never die. However, the Church can certainly be anemic and deathly ill—which she, no doubt, is in America. I will examine some of the reasons f … [Read more...]

Promoting Devotion to Wisconsin’s Approved Marian Apparition among Catechists

Parish religious education programs will soon be gearing up for another year of instructing children in their religion. Parents have registered their children; curriculums and lesson plans are being drafted, and catechists are being … [Read more...]

Guadalupe and God’s Word

A Biblical-Theological Interpretation of Her Apparition

When Miguel Sánchez published Imagen de la Virgen María in 1648, he did more than document the first apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the New World. Scholars agree that his account became a lens through which clergy and faithful i … [Read more...]

Church and State in History and Today

Our unwillingness to live our lives upon the horizon of the infinite is an unwillingness to accept the authority of God, who speaks, through his Church, to our consciences. This is the heart of the tension between the secular power and the … [Read more...]

Sticks, Stones, and Broken Bones: The History of Anti-Catholic Violence in the U.S.

We do not recall these instances of anti-Catholicism to foster more animosity or violence, but recall them as part of our history, a history that, like so many others, included the targeting of ethnic and religious groups for … [Read more...]

Home and School in American Catholic Life

This essay argues that understanding the historical reasons why Catholic schools and homeschooling arose can help one to see how both may contribute to the revitalization of a Catholic subculture and American society in complementary w … [Read more...]

Rallying for Religious Freedom under the Shadow of Planned Parenthood

Our Founding Fathers understood that when the state oversteps its boundaries—offending its very charge and offending the rights of the people—we must stand up. We stand today in a shadow cast by this massive Planned Parenthood facility, w … [Read more...]

A Decisive Hour for American Catholics

We want the right to follow our consciences, to worship our God, and to live out our faith by making a contribution within the public square, which is our patrimony and our heritage: our blessed liberties. We have concluded the … [Read more...]

Being an American Catholic Today: The Historical (and Current) Challenge

It is important to understand how the American Catholic experience is unique in the history of the Church. Rally for Religious Freedom March 23, 2012, Seattle Is it possible for one to be both an American, and Catholic, in the 21st … [Read more...]