Questions Answered – March 2025

Do Anglicans Believe in the Real Presence? Question: Dear Father Cush, thank you for answering the question about what the Lutherans believe concerning the Real Presence of Christ in the sacrament of the Eucharist. Surely, the Episcopal … [Read more...]

The Invalidity of Anglican Orders and the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter

While Apostolicae Curae holds that Anglican ordination does not confer the fullness of Catholic orders, this by no means implies that Anglican ordination is without its own value and purpose. Many Catholic priests have followed with … [Read more...]

The Latest Book Reviews

Late Summer Reading For August 2013   Reviews for the following books: A MYSTICISM OF KINDNESS: The Biography of “Marie Christine.”  By Astrid M. O’Brien. (Scranton: Scranton University Press, 2010). (Reviewed by Rev. John J. Conley, S. … [Read more...]