Pastors and Stability of Office

The canonical provision for stability has been set aside in favor of the frequent changing of pastors as a positive good in itself.

A common complaint heard from pastors and laity alike these days has to do with the frequent transfer of pastors from parish to parish.[1. Church petitions Vatican to keep priest,” Eileen E. Flynn, The Austin American Statesman, July 30, 2 … [Read more...]

New Help for Canonists

EXEGETICAL COMMENTARY ON THE CODE OF CANON LAW: Prepared under the Faculty of Canon Law, University of Navarre. English edition edited by Ernest Caparros (Wilson & Lafleur / Midwest Theological Forum, 2004). Five volumes bound as eight, approximately 9,000 pages. List price US $1,200.00. Purchase Online.

More than twenty years have passed since the promulgation of the 1983 Code, hardly more than the blink of an eye in terms of Church history but an entire generation in terms of human lives, especially in terms of their education. Throughout … [Read more...]