The Holy Father’s recent encyclical on the Christian care of the environment deserves to be read by all the faithful. He takes its name from his beloved Francis of Assisi’s "Canticle," Laudato Si, “Let him be praised.” For too long, the Magi … [Read more...]
Laudato? Si!
The Theological Mind of Laudato Si’

In this article, I consciously refrain from considering the parts of Pope Francis’s new Encyclical Letter, Laudato Si’ (hereafter LS) that have been the most contentiously received, namely: his views of a free market system, the nature and e … [Read more...]
Questions Answered

Can you give me some advice on the morality of anger? Is it always evil? Does the Church give practical moral norms for hiring in companies? Question: Can you give me some advice on the morality of anger? Is it always … [Read more...]
Questions Answered

Can you tell me what the origin is of our rights and how this relates to the laws of the state? Pope Francis recently caused a reaction in the United States by condemning “unfettered capitalism.” Is this an innovation in Catholic tho … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
July 2014

Is socialized medicine ethical? When the Pope recently washed the feet of women on Holy Thursday, does that mean that the liturgical law is changed which prescribes that only men should have their feet washed? Question: Is so … [Read more...]
Youth and Technology Revitalize the Pro-Life Movement

So, why are college campuses “ground zero” for pro-life activism? Because Gallup Poll statistics report that upon entering college, 47 percent of women were pro-life, but by graduation 73 percent said they were pro-choice. The equation “ … [Read more...]
A Liberationist Pope

Read carefully: We should see in this critique (by Pope Francis), not an embrace of socialism, or a condemnation of the market economy, but a call to adopt a different ethic for the marketplace. Pope Francis is a Jesuit, a prelate from … [Read more...]
The Social Teaching of John Paul II

John Paul wanted to move forward the Council’s openness and announcement of Christian hope to the postmodern world, but ... he saw that the excesses brought about by the Council were having destructive effects and acted to preserve the C … [Read more...]
The Ethics of Water

Some 13 percent of the world’s population does not have access to improved water (about 910 million people). Water access efforts (USAID.GOV) For most Americans, few things are more easily taken for granted than the water tap. The abi … [Read more...]
Social Justice According to Pius XI

The term “social justice”... is the key term and concept of Catholic social teaching ... with all the other aspects of the Church's social doctrine—the principle of subsidiarity, the just wage or the right to private property—are related to, … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
What is a just wage; the nature of the common good?

Just Wage Question: Can you explain what a just wage is, and how one would determine it? Answer: The problem of the just wage is what has been called the “social question.” In order to address this issue, it is necessary to underst … [Read more...]
Bishop von Ketteler and Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Teaching: An Historical Perspective. By Robert Aubert; edited by David A. Boileau (Marquette University Press, P.O. Box 3141, Milwaukee, Wis. 53201, 2003), 288 pp. PB $35.00.
Little known to American readers, Roger Aubert is professor emeritus of history, the Catholic University of Louvain, and director of the prestigious revue d’histoire ecclesiastique. He is known especially for his interest in the Church’s 19t … [Read more...]
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