Fifty Years Later–Vatican II’s Unfinished Business

Today, 50 years after the opening of Vatican II, the misinterpretation of one of its most salient documents, Lumen Gentium, continues to drive a number of Catholics in the United States into one of two camps, the “right” or the “le … [Read more...]

Are doctrine and morals too controversial?

January 2013 Editorial

What happens to a parish, and to its parishioners, when the pastor refuses to preach Catholic doctrine and morals on the grounds that they are now “too controversial”?   Cardinal Francis George and Cardinal Timothy Dolan are well known fo … [Read more...]

Theologians’ academic respectability

The teaching authority of the Church is the only guarantee the theologian has for both his academic respectability, and his intellectual freedom. Over the years, we have printed many articles on the proper relationship that should exist … [Read more...]

In defense of dogma

Editorial, May 2010

I want to raise my voice in defense of dogma. Since the Vatican Council dogma has been neglected, downplayed and even reviled by some theologians. This has been the result of the emphasis on Holy Scripture, because the Council urged … [Read more...]