The Hundredfold Songs for the Lord. By Anthony Esolen. Reviewed by Lawrence Montz. (skip to review) An Introduction to the Creeds. By Steve Ray and Dennis Walters. Reviewed by Joseph Tuttle. (skip to review) Eight Popes and the Crisis … [Read more...]
Book Reviews – September 2021
September 9, 2021 by Book Reviews
Filed Under: Book Reviews Tagged With: Church history, Church of England, divorce, poetry, Sacrament of Matrimony, spiritual growth, the Creed, the papacy, union with God
The Invalidity of Anglican Orders and the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter
September 22, 2013 by Donald Paul Sullins

While Apostolicae Curae holds that Anglican ordination does not confer the fullness of Catholic orders, this by no means implies that Anglican ordination is without its own value and purpose. Many Catholic priests have followed with … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: Ad Tuendam Fidem, Anglican Ordinariate, Anglicanism, Anglicanorum Coetibus, Apostolicae Curae, Archbishop Cranmer, Cardinal Hume, Catholic Bishops of England and Wales, Church of England, Dominus Iesus, Edward VI, Edwardian Ordinal, excommunication, Giles Pinnock, John Henry Cardinal Newman, King Henry VIII, Pope Leo XIII, tractarianism
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