Encountering Christ’s Love in the Sacraments

In every way, the sacraments are about God’s love, fully revealed in Jesus Christ. In them, Jesus makes Himself present as the one who loves us “to the end” (Jn 13:1). In each Sacrament, He says: “I love you; I have given my life for you (Jn … [Read more...]

The Power in a Penance

About six or seven years ago, I participated in the sacrament of reconciliation. (By the way, that was not my last time.) At the heart of my confession was the fact that I had recently been responding to my wife with “irritation” or “an … [Read more...]

Questions Answered

Question: I’ve read, though not in any real depth, the two schools of thought: One that Jesus became man primarily so as to suffer as man, and die for the redemption of each one of us. The other being that the Son of God most likely would h … [Read more...]

Priests and Penance: Confession and Confessors

The Call to Confession “Let us place the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the center, once more, in such a way that it will enable people to touch the grandeur of God’s mercy with their own hands.”[1. Francis, Bull of Indiction of the Extra … [Read more...]

Questions Answered

Pope John XXIII was recently canonized, but I have read that he allowed documents to be produced saying that Jews were Christians to save them during World War II. Is this not a lie? A father of teenagers recently tried to get me to … [Read more...]

Lust – It’s Not Always About Sex

Author’s name withheld by request. Sometimes it’s about a compulsion to dominate other people that originates in childhood rivalries and persists into adulthood as an unconscious trait. The good news is that a person can readily overcome … [Read more...]

Getting a Grip on Gossip

The Church reminds us that we have the obligation to correct our brother’s fault for the sake of righteousness out of love ...  We are called to do this in a spirit of gentleness and humility. A First Down Broadmoor Drive Growing up in a … [Read more...]

Questions Answered: On Confession during Mass, and homilies given by non-ordained person

Confession during Mass Question:  I have heard there is a new document the Holy See has issued on confession, and that that document states that confessions may be heard during Mass.  I thought this was not approved. Answer: On M … [Read more...]

How to be a good confessor

Editorial, April 2011

God became man in Jesus Christ to save us from our sins. To accomplish that until his Second Coming, he established his Church with the power of the keys and animated her with the gift of the Holy Spirit. The new life of grace that he … [Read more...]

In defense of dogma

Editorial, May 2010

I want to raise my voice in defense of dogma. Since the Vatican Council dogma has been neglected, downplayed and even reviled by some theologians. This has been the result of the emphasis on Holy Scripture, because the Council urged … [Read more...]