The Cardinal Müller Report: An Exclusive Interview on the State of the Church. By Gerhard Ludwig Müller with Carlos Granados. Translated by Richard Goodyear. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2017. pp. 221+xi. $17.95 pb. ISBN 9 … [Read more...]
A Layman’s Look at Television Commercials
In 1979, the Justice Department filed suit against the National Association of Broadcasters claiming that it was illegal for the members of that trade group to agree to restrict media advertising. The rules of the association would limit … [Read more...]
The Overlooked Middle
An Attempt to Start a New Dialogue
In conversation at a recent cocktail party, a wise and elegant lady told me that Catholic publishing (or the publishing of Catholic thought) is a club with strict membership. One “must be an academic” to be considered for membership, she sai … [Read more...]
Reflections on Reminders in our Lives
There’s an old joke about the definition of a college professor: “Oh, that would be someone who can’t say anything just once.” Having spent 35 years at the front of classrooms at two universities, I can attest to the aptness of the descrip … [Read more...]
Getting “The Benedict Option” Right
If you haven’t heard of the "Benedict Option," or even (especially) if you have heard of it, it really needs explaining for it to be a real option. In December 2013, Rod Dreher, a writer for The American Conservative magazine, wrote an e … [Read more...]
The Sacrament of Matrimony: A Conversation with Millennials
Abbreviations LG: Lumen Gentium, Second Vatican Council Dogmatic Constitution on the Church MR: Missale Romanum (Roman Missal) (2010) SC: Sacrosanctum Concilium, Second Vatican Council Constitution on the Sacred … [Read more...]
Dean Koontz’s Odd Catholicism
When EWTN aired Raymond Arroyo’s first "World Over" television interview with Dean Koontz on October 18, 2012, many viewers were surprised to learn that the author of over a dozen #1 New York Times bestsellers is a practicing Catholic. The l … [Read more...]
The Culture of Honor—A Brief Essay
What is needed to walk in our true identity, and to carry out the mission of bringing heaven to earth, is the culture of honor. God the Father wants nothing less than heaven on earth. This is why he gave us his Son, and his many … [Read more...]
The practice of excellence
Human flourishing means seeing what is and acting accordingly.
“A man properly nurtured in poetry will quickly spot shoddy, poorly made works and ill-grown things, and his joy and aversion will be properly placed; he’ll approve beautiful things, joyfully take them into his soul, and from their nurture g … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
March 2011
Priest altering the text of the Mass Question: I am a priest and very troubled by some of the mistranslations in the English edition of the Sacramentary, for example, “When he humbled himself to come among us as a man” in Advent Preface I. … [Read more...]
Physician-assisted suicide: Can the culture of life and love prevail?
With faith and hope in Jesus and a firm resolve, it is not inevitable that PAS and euthanasia proponents will win the day.
The daunting specter of physician-assisted suicide (PAS) continues to loom in our country and throughout the world.[1. International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, Update, Year 2009 Vol. 23, No.2. All statistics are derived … [Read more...]
Year for Priests: Presence and not production
In our obsession with worldly standards of success, we forget the message of the littleness of the Gospel.
We learn from the Church’s sacred Tradition and the Scriptures the sublime role the priest plays as a steward of God’s mysteries in the vineyard of the Lord, responsible for bringing the Good News of salvation to God’s holy people. Through t … [Read more...]
The ambiguity of Islam
“When some fanatics kill children, women, and men in the name of pure and authentic Islam, or in the name of the Qur’an or of the Muslim tradition, nobody can tell them: ‘You are not true and authentic Muslims.’ All they can say is: ‘Your re … [Read more...]
European Christophobia
In the closing months of his pontificate, John Paul II turned repeatedly to the “Europe question.” He insisted that a failure to mention the common Christian heritage in the drafting of the E.U. constitution would tear apart the very cul … [Read more...]
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