In February of 2015, Valentina Maureira, a 14-year-old Chilean girl with cystic fibrosis, created a viral video appealing to Chile’s President for assisted suicide.[1. Worland, Justin. “Chilean 14-Year-Old with Cystic Fibrosis Asks to Be All … [Read more...]
Offering Dignity through Hope, Not Death with Dignity
Life-Giving Funerals
The Importance of Skill in Music Ministry

It is exceedingly difficult to stand before mourners assembled for a funeral Mass, look them in the eye one at a time, and sing—with them, to them, and sometimes for them—of truth, love, and life. Still, this is a duty that must not be neg … [Read more...]
May We Donate Our Organs?

It is likely that most Catholics consider the question of the morality of organ donation to be a settled matter, and to view it as a noble and generous gesture on the part of donors. After all, the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) … [Read more...]
The Sign of the Dying Body: How the Theology of the Body Helps Us to Die in Love

Dying—undergoing it, or helping one who is dying—is a privileged space where we see and encounter God himself ... the ensouled body serves as a sign of gift and giving, yielding one’s life to the embrace of God ... a sign that well- … [Read more...]
The Divine Gift of “Shalom” in a Good Death

The truth, reality, gift, and desire of shalom make up a thread running through all of Scripture, throughout our whole Christian faith life, through the Mass, and through all of the sacraments. As the sun was going down, a deep sleep … [Read more...]
The Heart of Hope

Since Christians are called to be Christ in the world ... we have to allow Christ’s Spirit to embrace suffering in love within us, for without his Spirit abiding within us, we would never have the strength to suffer out of love. Many of … [Read more...]
Questions Answered

Is it true that Hell is not a permanent condition? Are there any clear statements in Scripture that homosexuality is a sin and unnatural? Question: Is it true that Hell is not a permanent condition? Answer: The question of the e … [Read more...]
Questions Answered

Is Baptism by water "Baptism in the Holy Spirit?" Can medical research on incapacitated patients ever be justified? Is Baptism by water "Baptism in the Holy Spirit?" Question: I have often heard the phrase “Baptism in the Holy Sp … [Read more...]
Cremation: Recalling Some Basic Catholic Truths

The Church rescinded its prohibition on cremation, but does not consider burial and cremation equally valid methods. The Newark Star-Ledger reports that acceptance of cremation is growing: 40% of deaths in America (and 40% in New Jersey) … [Read more...]
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