The Divine Mercy Devotion’s Obscure Birthplace

Having visited Poland recently, I had the opportunity to go to a lesser-known place connected with the Divine Mercy: the city of Płock (pronounced “Powotsk”), about two hours north of Warsaw. Those interested in the story of the Divine Merc … [Read more...]

The Tender Heart

Where in any classical literature do men rejoice over wounds? In the ancients, injuries and lacerations bring about sorrow, if not revenge. But in the Gospel reading for Divine Mercy Sunday (Jn 20:19–31), we see a new understanding of v … [Read more...]

Early Suggestions on How Our Parishes Can Observe Divine Mercy Sunday This Year

The feast is intended to highlight divine mercy as God's greatest attribute, the crowning work" of all his works.  As such, it should form a Catholic's spiritual attitudes and behaviors.  Divine Mercy image of Christ. Each year since 2 … [Read more...]

God Gave Burdens, Also Shoulders: A Yiddish Proverb

In all of our lives, there are times when encouragement makes or breaks our stamina. Even when all is well, we know a deeper happiness if our efforts find appreciation.   Recently, I came across a publication of the Mayo Clinic and was … [Read more...]

Glorious Wounds—Christ’s and Ours

You could say that Christ’s glorious wounds are our wounds. He took our humanity to himself in the Incarnation ... Christ’s humanity is completely ours.   Central to the mystery of the Christian faith is Jesus Christ’s suffering, death, an … [Read more...]

Easter Is an Eight Day Feast

Aren’t the Sacraments of Confession and the Eucharist, in fact, the Sacraments of Divine Mercy? Since the Second Vatican Council and the Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year, the Church has been emphasizing the importance of c … [Read more...]