How Previous Ages have seen the Eucharist At one point during the Communist takeover in China, the Communists came to a remote village where Catholicism was lived with great vigor. They imprisoned the local priest in his own rectory, … [Read more...]
The Thrill of Anticipation: Encountering God in the Eucharist
The “Sanctus”: A Catechetical Signpost for the Mass
The Eucharistic Liturgy is “the source and summit of the Christian life.”[1. CCC 1324; Cf. Lumen Gentium 11. ] Active participation in these mysteries constitutes the “foremost and indispensible font” for acquiring the Christian Spirit.[2. S … [Read more...]
Late Fall Reading for November 2014
Three Moments of the Day: Praying with the Heart of Jesus. Fr. Christopher S. Collins, SJ (Ave Maria Press: Notre Dame, Indiana, 2014) 160 pages. (Reviewed by Fr. Vincent L. Strand, SJ) Reading the New Testament: An Introduction, … [Read more...]
The Eucharist: From Corinth to Liege
Many converts to the Catholic faith are surprised by the lack of devotion to the Eucharist evident among those attending Mass—their poor unconvincing responses to the liturgy, their matter of fact attitude at Holy Communion. As one such c … [Read more...]
The Real Presence
One of the pillars of Catholic doctrine is the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. According to this doctrine, at the consecration of the bread and wine during the Mass, although the appearances remain unchanged, the bread becomes the … [Read more...]
Lest They Receive It in Vain
Right lay preparation and interior disposition is necessary to effectively and fruitfully receive the grace of the sacraments, including and especially, the Blessed Sacrament, the Eucharist. The Vatican II Constitution on Sacred … [Read more...]
Memories Make the Future
The community of faith throughout the entire biblical tradition has been called to tell its story to others. Jesus affirmed that those who love him will keep his word and share it with others (Jn 14:24)... Old Testament prophet's … [Read more...]
The Glory of the Mass
Obviously, the Mass is a glorious thing. It is the way God continues to feed his people; it is the way Jesus Christ—God made flesh—keeps his promise never to leave us orphans. Those who attend daily Mass have been given an unmatchable gra … [Read more...]
The Problem with “A Personal Relationship with Jesus”
... a baptized, confirmed Catholic who faithfully partakes of the sacraments of reconciliation and Holy Communion in the manner prescribed by the Church certainly has a “personal relationship” with Jesus, whether or not he or she uses that p … [Read more...]
Eschatology and Eucharistic Adoration
...certain “liturgists” and “theologians” ... stamp (Eucharistic Adoration) as mere “private devotion.” In fact, in its complete form, from exposition to benediction, it is a liturgical event. has a long, and shall enjoy an everlasting … [Read more...]
Holy Communion: Sharing in the Threefold Munus of the Divine Gladiator
The Church early on espoused munus to designate the triple character or office of the God-Man, Jesus Christ: he is at the same time Priest, Prophet and King or Shepherd. Gladiators fighting to the death; Christ's glorious resurrection … [Read more...]
Getting a Grip on Gossip
The Church reminds us that we have the obligation to correct our brother’s fault for the sake of righteousness out of love ... We are called to do this in a spirit of gentleness and humility. A First Down Broadmoor Drive Growing up in a … [Read more...]
Attacking the Roots of Abortion
What is really required ... is to address the thought processes and motivations that prompt people to seek abortion as a solution to a personal problem that should not have occurred in the first place. Catholics, and our counterparts in … [Read more...]
What Evangelicals Can Learn From Catholics
The biggest thing that Evangelicals can learn from Catholics is how to worship ... liturgy, when celebrated reverently, can also give worshipers a connection to the sacred that is just not available through the type of worship service ... … [Read more...]
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