The Eucharist is the single, greatest gift Christ left to his Church, fulfilling his promise to be with us always. The Last Supper Christ’s institution of the sacrament of the Eucharist was, and is, the single, greatest gift he left t … [Read more...]
The Holy Eucharist: Central Sacrament Pre-figured in the First Passover
Are Men to Be Heartless?
Blessed John Paul II said: “Mary is the most perfect teacher of that love, which enables us to be united in the deepest way with Christ in His Eucharistic presence.” A seminary professor, when analyzing the episode of Emmaus (Lk 24:1 … [Read more...]
Easter Is an Eight Day Feast
Aren’t the Sacraments of Confession and the Eucharist, in fact, the Sacraments of Divine Mercy? Since the Second Vatican Council and the Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year, the Church has been emphasizing the importance of c … [Read more...]
The Mystery of the Eucharist
WEDDING FEAST OF THE LAMB. Eucharistic Theology from a Historical, Biblical, and Systematic Perspective. By Roch A. Kereszty (Liturgy Training Publications, 1800 North Hermitage Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60622, 2004), 270 pp. HB $35.00.
Since Pope John Paul II has declared 2005 to be the year of the Holy Eucharist, this new book by Fr. Kereszty will help its readers to enter into the spirit of the celebration and also to understand better the theology and liturgy of the … [Read more...]
The Mystery of Faith
Editorial, January 2009
The text of the Roman Missal at the consecration of the wine refers to it as “the Mystery of Faith” (Myssterium Fidei). It is a mystery of faith because wonderful, miraculous things take place during the celebration that have eternal eff … [Read more...]
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