Good Friday, the Cross, and Foot Washing Question: Does Good Friday veneration of the Cross involve only a crucifix, or can a simple wooden cross be used? Is it appropriate, when reading the Gospel on Holy Thursday, for the laity, … [Read more...]
Questions Answered – July 2019
July 26, 2019 by Fr. Brian Mullady, OP
Filed Under: Questions Answered Tagged With: feet washing, liturgy, papal infallibility, the Cross of Jesus Christ
Questions Answered
July 2014
July 10, 2014 by Fr. Brian Mullady, OP

Is socialized medicine ethical? When the Pope recently washed the feet of women on Holy Thursday, does that mean that the liturgical law is changed which prescribes that only men should have their feet washed? Question: Is so … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Questions Answered Tagged With: Catholic Social Teaching, Church Magisterium, dicasteries, dubium, economics, feet washing, government interference, government ownership, health care, John Maynard Keynes, laissez faire capitalism, liturgy, Lumen Gentium, papal infallibility, Paul Johnson, Pope Francis, social justice, Vatican I, Vatican II
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