The community of faith throughout the entire biblical tradition has been called to tell its story to others. Jesus affirmed that those who love him will keep his word and share it with others (Jn 14:24)... Old Testament prophet's … [Read more...]
Memories Make the Future
September 9, 2014 by Fr. John Navone, SJ
Filed Under: Articles, Magazine Tagged With: Eucharist, evangelization, faith, Gabriel Marcel, Heidegger, hope, martyrs, memory, pastoral issues, Scripture, tradition
The Social Teaching of John Paul II
January 15, 2014 by Dr. John C. Caiazza, PhD

John Paul wanted to move forward the Council’s openness and announcement of Christian hope to the postmodern world, but ... he saw that the excesses brought about by the Council were having destructive effects and acted to preserve the C … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Articles, Magazine Tagged With: Adam Smith, capitalism, Catholic Social Teaching, Centesimus Annus, communism, Edmund Husserl, free market, Fukuyama, Heidegger, Joseph Gremillon, Karl Marx, laborem Exercens, Max Scheler, Milton Friedman, Morris West, Mother Teresa, natural law, Phenomenology, Pope John Paul II, Pope Leo XIII, Pope Pius XI, Popularum Progressio, pre-industrial nations, Rerum Novarum, socialism, solidarity, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, Soviet Union, St. Edith Stein, St. John XXIII, The End of History, The Wealth of Nations
Faith in the Year of Faith: The Early Proposal of Joseph Ratzinger
November 24, 2013 by Father Pablo Sarto

...It is only when we exercise obedience and the expression of our own personality at the same time that we have real faith. Faith is born from the union of the two freedoms: God’s and ours. A young Professor Ratzinger. Painting: Christ … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Articles, Magazine Tagged With: Barth, Heidegger, Kierkegaard, Ratzinger's "Collaborators of the Truth", the road to Emmaus, the Samaritan woman
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