The Place of Communion in the Mass Question: During the 40s and 50s, come Communion time at Mass, very few people walked up to the altar rails. Yesterday I read that one’s attendance at Mass is not complete without receiving the Eucharist ( … [Read more...]
Questions Answered – July 2023
When Conscience Is Mistaken Question: Much has been made of the primacy of conscience today in morals. Even some bishops have claimed that as long as a subject is following their conscience, the Church must support their decision no matter … [Read more...]
True Thanksgiving
The word “eucharist” may be defined in a few ways, but one of the original translations from the Greek is “thanksgiving” or “to give thanks.”[1. Cf. CCC 1328.] In modern culture, we often associate thankfulness with a sense of being happy … [Read more...]
Judaism Ancient and New
Remnant of Israel At the present time, “there is a Remnant chosen by grace” (Romans 11:5). Isaiah cries out concerning Israel (Romans 9:27), “If the number is as the sand of the sea, a remnant will repent and return and be saved” (my tra … [Read more...]
Eucharistic Competence
By Fr. Winfried M. Wermter C.O. Translated from the German by Dr. William R. Gallagher Introduction Nowadays people everywhere talk about competence. It is truly important that people be on familiar ground in their area of expertise, … [Read more...]
The Eucharist: The Prima Via of Divinization
The current state of the Church in our contemporary age, and those salient points to which she sets her vision, would suggest that the Eucharist remains at the core of all her efforts and activity.[1. Catechism of the Catholic Church (Citta … [Read more...]
Questions Answered — September 2020
Explaining Intinction Question: What is intinction? Why is it practiced? Is a concelebrating priest who does it celebrating Mass? Answer: The practice of intinction involves the priest taking the Sacred Host from the paten or ciborium, … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
Question: I truly appreciate our parish priest. Everyone loves and admires him. People find it sometimes difficult to express their appreciation. How does one go about showing their appreciation for their priest? Answer: One hears so … [Read more...]
Conversion, Consecration, Communion
Movements into Salvation
The Sequence in Salvation History This sequence—Conversion, Consecration, Communion—can describe three steps in several important processes, in the Catholic Faith. Historically, it can describe periods in the salvation history of humanity. … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
What are the arguments against giving Holy Communion to divorced Catholics who are remarried outside the Church? I have heard that the Eastern Church permits this practice. Same-sex marriage is being approved on a vast scale in many … [Read more...]
The Glory of the Mass
Obviously, the Mass is a glorious thing. It is the way God continues to feed his people; it is the way Jesus Christ—God made flesh—keeps his promise never to leave us orphans. Those who attend daily Mass have been given an unmatchable gra … [Read more...]
The Problem with “A Personal Relationship with Jesus”
... a baptized, confirmed Catholic who faithfully partakes of the sacraments of reconciliation and Holy Communion in the manner prescribed by the Church certainly has a “personal relationship” with Jesus, whether or not he or she uses that p … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
What should be done if the priest runs out of hosts once communion begins? Do cough drops violate the Communion fast? Question: I recently attended Mass, and after Communion began, the priests realized there were not enough hosts. … [Read more...]
Celiac Disease and Holy Communion: A Medical and Spiritual Dilemma
In this article, I hope to inform as many people as possible ... about the damaging spiritual and physical effects of celiac disease. And ... provide resources and pastoral recommendations for caring for individuals who may be unable to … [Read more...]
Holy Communion: Sharing in the Threefold Munus of the Divine Gladiator
The Church early on espoused munus to designate the triple character or office of the God-Man, Jesus Christ: he is at the same time Priest, Prophet and King or Shepherd. Gladiators fighting to the death; Christ's glorious resurrection … [Read more...]
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