Lusting for Love: Flirtations with the Kiss of Death

The title of this article is intended to have a double meaning. On the one hand, the basic meaning of “Lusting for Love” is an expression of how desperately we, as human beings, long to love others deeply, just as we long to be loved by oth … [Read more...]

Prayer and Social Transformation

We are now in 2025, the Jubilee year, with the theme of “Pilgrims of hope.” For the whole of the preceding year, our prayer has been preparing us all for this moment. In 2024, we have lived “a privileged time in which to rediscover the value … [Read more...]

Dignitas Migrantis: On the Morality of Deportation

As we approach federal government elections, it is commonplace to address the issues surrounding the growing phenomena of large-scale immigration and its peripheral subjects, such as deportation. It is significant to note that among various … [Read more...]

Preachers of the ERD

Deacons must be comfortable with proclaiming the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services. The wisdom of the ERD is not commonly shared with Catholics in the pews. The United States Conference of Catholic … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – June 2023

Church Teaching on Living Wills Question: Many states are encouraging living wills to settle end of life decisions. Is this wise? What is the teaching of the Church on this subject? Answer: The Church is enthusiastic to promote the … [Read more...]

The Church’s Teaching on Marriage, Part Three

Go to Part I Go to Part II In Vitro Fertilization, Artificial Insemination, and Surrogate Motherhood It bears repeating that “‘[e]ach human person, in his absolutely unique singularity, is constituted not only by his spirit, but by his … [Read more...]

Teaching Racial Harmony from Theology of the Body

How should Catholic educators respond to the racial turmoil in recent years? Instead of adopting new materials and programs rooted in critical race theory,[1. Patrick Reilly, “Wrong Way to Teach About Race in Catholic Education,” Newman Soc … [Read more...]

The Preeminence of the Eternal and the Dignity of the Human Person

Do all men and women have their origin in the One True God? If so, have they been created to be concerned solely with what can be manipulated and obtained during this life, regardless of morality? Has mankind lost an awareness of the … [Read more...]

Catholics in High Public Office Today

Today there are approximately 51 million Catholic Christians in the United States. The U.S. population currently numbers approximately 330 million, and thus Catholics make up only about one fifth of the population. Nevertheless, there is an … [Read more...]

The Death Penalty Is a Failed Sacrifice

The final abolition of the death penalty in the 2018 revision of the Catechism[1. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2267.] and follow-up confirmation in the latest Pope Francis encyclical, Fratelli tutti,[2. Pope Francis, Fratelli … [Read more...]

The Mystery of Miscarriage

Mary, Joseph, and the Theology of Pre-Natal Life

The deepest truth about the human person is contained in the words “Our Father.” Enfolded in this sublime opening to the Lord’s Prayer is God’s loving provision for and delight in each one of us; our connection to Jesus and to one another as … [Read more...]

The Best Medicine for Racial Healing

A physician once said, “The best medicine for humans is love.” Someone asked, “What if it doesn’t work?” He smiled and said, “Increase the dose.” We are at a period in our nation where we need to increase the dose of love when it comes to th … [Read more...]

Brain Death: What Catholics Should Know

Brain death (BD), the declaration of death by neurological criteria, is an established medicolegal practice in the USA and many countries worldwide. In 1968, the Harvard Medical School Ad Hoc Committee introduced BD by defining (in the … [Read more...]

Ten Commandments That Should Shape Palliative Care

The Ten Commandments that are found in the Old and New Testament are meant to set limits to human freedom so that when obeyed, they produce within human beings a set of virtues or inner strengths, which enable a certain flourishing of one’s … [Read more...]

Conception: A Contradiction?

[Cf. Francis Etheredge: Conception: An Icon of the Beginning, St. Louis: En Route Books and Media, 2019: (the publisher’s page includes interviews, reviews, endorsements, Contents and connections … [Read more...]