A PEW survey made public in August 2019 reported that only 63% of Catholics who attend Mass weekly believe that the bread and wine actually become the body and blood of Christ and only 58% know the Church’s teaching on t … [Read more...]
Transubstantiation and the Real Presence
June 5, 2020 by Fr. John Zupez, SJ
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: documents of Vatican II, Eucharist, history, Lutheranism, spirit of Vatican II, Transubstantiation
Questions Answered
January 11, 2013 by Fr. Brian Mullady, OP
Is Baptism by water "Baptism in the Holy Spirit?" Can medical research on incapacitated patients ever be justified? Is Baptism by water "Baptism in the Holy Spirit?" Question: I have often heard the phrase “Baptism in the Holy Sp … [Read more...]
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