“Make no mistake, my brothers: those who corrupt families will not inherit the kingdom of God.” —Ignatius of Antioch, To the Ephesians In his 2007 autobiography, Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, retired Archbishop of Bologna, recalled his surpr … [Read more...]
A “Categorical Silence” in the Preparatory Questionnaire for the 2015 Synod
Questions Answered
Pope John XXIII was recently canonized, but I have read that he allowed documents to be produced saying that Jews were Christians to save them during World War II. Is this not a lie? A father of teenagers recently tried to get me to … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
What are the arguments against giving Holy Communion to divorced Catholics who are remarried outside the Church? I have heard that the Eastern Church permits this practice. Same-sex marriage is being approved on a vast scale in many … [Read more...]
Preaching the Truth in Love and Wisdom: Pope Francis’ 2013 Apostolic Exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium”
...conversion occurs when the Gospel speaks to the deepest yearnings of our hearts, and the desires present within us are filled by a supernatural grace that comes from God. “The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who e … [Read more...]
“I Haven’t Killed Anyone!” What Serious Sins Will Exclude Us From the Kingdom of God?
Why aren’t we more concerned about how even many of our fellow Catholics are engaging in behaviors (“lifestyles”), or accepting, or even approving them, in others, that scripture says will exclude them from the kingdom? Right after Va … [Read more...]
Dietrich von Hildebrand on the Natural Ends of Religion
The ultimate aim of all authentic religious practice, von Hildebrand always insists, is the creation of a truly supernatural life in the soul of the believer, in order to bring him to a final end with God that fallen nature can never hope … [Read more...]
On striving for perfection
Our ultimate goal in life, a supernatural goal, which is the face-to-face vision of God in heaven for all eternity, is a state of perfection. Gradual progress or growth from imperfect to perfect is a natural characteristic of all living … [Read more...]
Should Catholics Acquiesce in Today’s Homosexual “Rights” Agenda?
Christians, including Catholics, are acquiescing, and even favoring, the idea that homosexual behavior must be considered, at least, morally neutral...and must be considered something to which those, so inclined, have a right. One of … [Read more...]
Questions Answered: Does Hell Exist? And, Civil Law vs. Moral Law
Question: I heard that, recently, some Christian theologians are denying the existence of hell? Can you tell me if we must believe in hell? Answer: The existence of hell is de fide from the Athanasian Creed, which teaches: “But those who h … [Read more...]
Toward a Gospel witness: Confronting child abuse
The Church’s response to this evolving crisis has been, at the very least, disturbing.
We live in a culture that celebrates progressive liberation from sexual taboos and constraints. The sexual transgressions of days gone by have been rapidly refashioned into the conventional sexualities of today; even more risqué sexualities … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
March 2011
Priest altering the text of the Mass Question: I am a priest and very troubled by some of the mistranslations in the English edition of the Sacramentary, for example, “When he humbled himself to come among us as a man” in Advent Preface I. … [Read more...]
Physician-assisted suicide: Can the culture of life and love prevail?
With faith and hope in Jesus and a firm resolve, it is not inevitable that PAS and euthanasia proponents will win the day.
The daunting specter of physician-assisted suicide (PAS) continues to loom in our country and throughout the world.[1. International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, Update, Year 2009 Vol. 23, No.2. All statistics are derived … [Read more...]
Moral Theology Update
THE CATHOLIC CITIZEN: DEBATING THE ISSUES OF JUSTICE. Proceedings from the 26 th Annual Conference of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, 2803. Edited by Kenneth D. Whitehead (St. Augustine’s Press, Box 2285, South Bend, Ind., 2004), 248 pp. PB $17.00.
“Notes on Moral Theology” originated as a feature of Theological Studies intended to help priests stay abreast of the latest developments in Catholic moral theology. Alas, under the long editorship of the late Richard McCormick, S.J., and hi … [Read more...]
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