The emergence of a commercial economy in the High Middle Ages created new spiritual challenges for many medieval Christians, who wondered how to reconcile Christ’s instructions to the rich man in the gospel with the emerging profit economy. … [Read more...]
The Dark Side of Voluntary Poverty?
THE POVERTY OF RICHES: ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI RECONSIDERED. By Kenneth Baxter Wolf (Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016, 2003), 208 pp. HB $45.00.
Light in the Darkness
SURPRISED BY CANON LAW: 150 Questions Catholics Ask About Canon Law. By Pete Vere and Michael Trueman (Servant Books, 28 W. Liberty Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202), ix + 126pp. PB $9.99.
This slender volume has earned the praise not only of such notables as Karl Keating and Father Peter Stravinskas but also of the Rev. Francis G. Morrisey, O.M.I. of the Canon Law Faculty of Ottawa’s St. Paul University. The 150 questions a … [Read more...]
The Art of Dying Well
PATIENCE, COMPASSION, HOPE, AND THE CHRISTIAN ART OF DYING WELL. By Christopher P. Vogt (Rowan & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 4501 Forbes Blvd., Suite 200, Lanham, MD 20706), 2004, 176 pp. PB. $19.95.
In a culture of death that promotes euthanasia as compassion, in a secular world that imagines medical science as the cure-all to all human suffering, and in the modern therapeutic society which rationalizes death and dying, to quote from … [Read more...]
The Seven Deadly Sins
VICTORY OVER VICE. By Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. (Sophia Institute Press, Box 5284, Manchester, N.H. 03108, 2004), 128 pp. PB $9.95.
In this volume Archbishop Sheen attacks each of the seven deadly sins in pointing out that these sins led Christ’s enemies to nail Him to a cross. He refers to examples in the Savior’s life to develop each of the corresponding virtues. Tre … [Read more...]
Development of Moral Teaching
A CHURCH THAT CAN AND CANNOT CHANGE: The Development of Catholic Moral Teaching, by John T. Noonan, Jr., University of Notre Dame Press, 2005, cloth, 297 pages, HB $30.00
This is an important book. It argues strongly that, just as the Church revised dogmatic teaching over the years as it saw authentic development in some dogmas, so it has revised its practice (and thus its teaching) over the years as it has … [Read more...]
Humanae Vitae at Forty
Humanae Vitae not only contains the truth about the right ordering of the marital act but it has much to teach us about the right ordering of society.
Moral issues are always being influenced by cultural patterns. And the Church’s official teaching is always being understood through cultural filters. Contraception and Humanae Vitae are no exceptions to these two general maxims. In this a … [Read more...]
Curran’s Attack on John Paul II Rebutted
Dr. May shows how utterly false are four major criticisms Charles Curran levels against the moral thought of John Paul II.
Shortly prior to Pope John Paul II’s death on April 2, 2005 Georgetown University Press published Charles E. Curran’s book entitled The Moral Theology of Pope John Paul II. [1. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2005, xii+262 pag … [Read more...]
NFP: A Defense and an Explanation
What are the conditions according to which one may use NFP without offending Almighty God?
When is it licit for a married couple to use natural family planning (NFP)? What are the conditions according to which we may use this method without offending Almighty God? This will be my subject in this article both with reference to … [Read more...]
Calumny in the Blogosphere
Calumnious blogging is a serious offense against God's law. Those who engage in it are jeopardizing their immortal souls and the souls of others.
Calumny is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary (1992) as a “false statement maliciously made to injure another’s reputation.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1994) places calumny as a serious sin under the Eighth Commandment, “ … [Read more...]
Pornography, Electronic Media and Priestly Formation
The fundamental safeguard against sin and temptation is a deep and abiding relationship with God that is rooted in love.
Pornography and electronic media have had a profound impact on American society, which includes the lives of priests and seminarians in the American Church. As a psychiatrist working with a team of physicians and therapists in a medical … [Read more...]
Humanae Vitae: Grave Motives to Use a Good Translation
Knowing when it is permissible to space births is crucial for Catholic couples and they ought to have accurate moral direction.
A friend recently called with questions about childbirth, timidly confessing that she was pregnant with her fourth baby in six years while her youngest was eight months old. “It was unexpected,” she said quietly, “But I can’t tell my best fr … [Read more...]
Self-esteem: Why? Why not?
High self-regard is often found in people who are narcissistic and have an inflated sense of popularity and likeableness.
There is a proper mode of self-esteem that is beneficial to each individual and there is a mode being propagated worldwide today that can be very harmful. First let us take a summary look at this latter mode, which has in a short time come … [Read more...]
Party Politics and the Priesthood
A high profile attempt to inform congregations on life issues could influence the election of pro-life candidates of either party.
In a highly publicized study of members of the press and media by Freedom Forum and the Roper Center it was reported that 89% of the members of the fourth estate had voted Democratic in a series of elections. [1. Freedom Forum and Roper … [Read more...]
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