The Eucharist and the Call to Witness

A Biblical Reflection on the Sacraments of Initiation

Every year the Biblical readings that are proclaimed in the Church’s liturgy throughout the Lenten and Easter seasons recount the dramatic transformation that takes place in the lives of Christ’s first disciples and followers as they wit … [Read more...]

Keep Easter in Eastertide

Happy Easter! Christ is risen, alleluia! Does this time still feel like Easter? Hopefully Sunday Mass, at least, still does. Yet outside of that weekly hour, how often do we remember what season we are in? Many Catholics have prepared … [Read more...]

Dying With Christ

A Mystery Begun in Baptism and Perfected in Death

“What is essentially new about Christian death” — declares the Catechism — “is this: through Baptism, the Christian has already ‘died with Christ’ sacramentally, in order to live a new life; and if we die in Christ’s grace, physical death co … [Read more...]

The Mystagogical Tradition

“Mystagogy” is a word that some parishes hear during Easter Time, and is often associated with the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Yet, a proper understanding of mystagogy provides inspiration and wisdom, not only for cat … [Read more...]

Lent: A Time for Conversion

Each and every day, we have the opportunity to be converted, to draw closer to Christ, and to better, and to more fully understand, our Christian responsibility to complete Jesus’ work in our world.   Many years ago, while walking with a … [Read more...]

Jesus Christ: Priest, Prophet, and King

These three terms: priest, prophet, and king, have come to symbolize the threefold mission and office of Christ Jesus and his Church ... we do not merely imply that he holds these offices, but that he is sent to publicly manifest the powers … [Read more...]

Credible Communion: The Witness of Apostolic Religious Life

When the Church has been humiliated and vilified by public scandal ... I suggest we need to shift our focus to Christ.   Introduction “How can you write anything credible about the witness of religious life today?” I was asked by a disil … [Read more...]