Helping Out Those in Doubt

How Confessors Can Identify and Utilize Scrupulosity for the Good of Souls

“Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It’s been twenty minutes since my last confession.” This statement is likely to come from a scrupulous soul, or one who is swayed by fear of having sinned when in fact no sin has been committed. This c … [Read more...]

Understanding Pain

Pastoral Approaches to Help Those Who Suffer

“Understanding Pain: Pastoral approaches to help those who suffer,” by Fr. John Love, The Priest, March 2024. ©OSV. Used by permission. No other use of this material is authorized. “If you feel pain, you’re alive. If you feel other people’s … [Read more...]

Saint Paul, Masculinity, and Priestly Identity

When speaking to his son, King David reminds Solomon what it takes to succeed as king: “I am about to go the way of all the earth. Be strong, be courageous [לְאִֽישׁ], and keep the charge of the Lord your God, walking in his ways and keeping … [Read more...]

Same Sex Attraction in Catholic Women who Desire to Live Chastely

Abstract A growing number of Catholic women with same sex attraction (SSA) are interested to know the Catholic Church teaching on this issue. Thus far there are no specific Magisterial documents solely dedicated to women with same sex … [Read more...]

There but for the Grace of God

“O wonder of your humble care for us! O love, O charity beyond all telling.” Exultet One of the four Americans mentioned by Pope Francis in his address to the joint session of Congress on September 15, 2015 was Thomas Merton. Thomas Mer … [Read more...]

Rethinking Vocational Discernment

Nearly everyone reading this has probably heard something on the subject of vocational discernment. For those accustomed to Catholic terminology, these words may evoke images of a retreat for young people praying to find their path in life, … [Read more...]

Love for Liturgy, Love for the Church: An Ongoing Dialogue

Editor’s Note: Due to the high interest and lively discussion prompted by Fr. Robert McTeigue’s recent article, “What Many Priests No Longer Believe,” the following two responses have been published to offer additional viewpoints on the chal … [Read more...]

Pope Francis and the Symposium on the Priesthood

Many times, Pope Francis has been very critical in speaking about priests and even seminarians, and for sure bishops. He is calling the Church to a renewal, and he does not seem to have this concern without some experience. He began his … [Read more...]

St. Joseph and Fatherhood

Originally delivered as a talk for the Diocese of Paterson Advent Day of Prayer for Priests, St. Paul Inside the Walls Evangelization Center, Madison, NJ on December 6, 2022. It is my privilege and pleasure to be with you today at the … [Read more...]

A New Approach for Pastoral Ministry

Incorporating Biblical Creation Imagery and Apocalyptic Metaphors into Pastoral Care and Ministry

Biblical theology of creation is applicable in pastoral ministry, because of its rich cornucopia of imagery and metaphors of myth and apocalypse, imagination and paradoxes employed in demonstrating God’s omnipotence, omniscience, and o … [Read more...]

Thinking About Ministry After Covid

Based On Ecclesiological Insights of Pope Francis

The opening paragraph of Lumen Gentium states, “Since the Church is in Christ like a sacrament or as a sign and instrument both of a very closely knit union with God and of the unity of the whole human race, it desires now to unfold more f … [Read more...]

Post-Exorcism Care: A Suggested Program of Pastoral Care for Liberated Persons

The Son of God was revealed for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).[1. Every biblical citation is from the New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition of the Bible found at unless noted … [Read more...]

The Anvil of God

Drawing Inspiration from the Preaching of Bl. Clemens von Galen

In a time when his people were suffering and felt helpless to change the course of world affairs, the Lion of Münster[1. To read more about Blessed Clemens von Galen, see Fr Daniel Utrecht, The Lion of Münster: The Bishop Who Roared Against … [Read more...]

The Dangers of Safety

We had a pre-existing condition, but we didn’t know it. Before the days of COVID, I was aware that I was in a safety-based culture. We could think of the expansion of insurance (I bought a phone recently and was automatically involved in an … [Read more...]

Addictions: A Pastoral Approach for the Catholic Spiritual Director and Confessor

Saint Paul refers to a thorn in his flesh, a messenger of Satan that is his constant reminder of the need for God’s grace.[1. 2 Corinthians 12:6–7, New American Bible (Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2002).]  Al … [Read more...]