A Thinking Woman’s Book

SMART SEX: FINDING LIFE-LONG LOVE IN A HOOK-UP WORLD. By Jennifer Roback Morse (Spence Publishing Co., 111 Cole St., Dallas, Tex. 75207, 2005), 260 pp. HB $27.95.

In the early part of the twentieth century, G. K Chesterton wrote two books, What’s Wrong with the World and Eugenics and Other Evils, in which he described the essential nature of the family, husband, wife, child, and property over against … [Read more...]

First, Catechize Adults

Deception: Catholic Education In America. By Steve Kellmeyer (Bridegroom Press, P.O. Box 96, Peoria, I11. 61650, 2005), 250 pp. HB $24.95.

(Note: The title has undergone a change since this review was printed. Look for the title Designed to Fail: Catholic Education in America.) Once upon a time in America, parents taught their children at home. They might use governesses, … [Read more...]

Apologetics for highschoolers

A PHILADELPHIA CATHOLIC IN KING JAMES'S COURT. By Martin de Porres Kennedy (Littlefield Press, W. 5180 Jefferson St., Necedah, Wis. 54646, 1999), 316 pp. PB $12.95.

I have always been Catholic; born and raised in the heavily Catholic community in San Francisco, I attended Catholic schools from Kindergarten through undergraduate. I never needed apologetics because everyone I knew was Catholic. My … [Read more...]

Ecological Breastfeeding

BREASTFEEDING AND CATHOLIC MOTHERHOOD: GOD’S PLAN FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY. By Sheila Kippley, (Sophia Institute Press, Box 5284, Manchester NH 03108) 128 pp. PB. $10.95

In a time when we wish to affirm the dignity of woman, Sheila Kippley provides a Catholic view of the importance of maternal breastfeeding and a practical, up-to-date summary of useful data for parents who desire to give the best care to … [Read more...]

Christ Shines Through

SWIMMING WITH SCAPULARS: TRUE CONFESSIONS OF A YOUNG CATHOLIC. By Matthew Lickona (Loyola Press, 3441 North Ashland Ave., Chicago, IL 60657, 2005) viii + 278 pp. PB $19.95

Pastors, bishops, sociologists and others who want to get some insight into the minds of young, practicing Catholics today should read Matthew Lickona, a writer for the San Diego Reader who has produced a short but charming book, winsomely … [Read more...]

The Best Bible Study Available

Understanding the Scriptures: A Complete Course on Bible Study. By Scott Hahn (Midwest Theological Forum, 1420 Davey Rd., Woodridge, IL. 60517, 2005), 548pp. HB, $40.00.

At long last, Scott Hahn has finally done it! After years of dazzling students, conferences attendees, and listeners of his mass media presentations, Hahn has collected the wisdom of the Catholic faith on the Sacred Scriptures into one … [Read more...]

Many signs of hope

Young And Catholic: The Face of Tomorrow’s Church. By Tim Drake (Sophia Press, Box 5284, Manchester, NH 03108; 1-800-888-9344; 2004), 259 pp. PB $16.95.

In the aftermath of dissenting theologians who question the authority of the Magisterium, in the wake of the scandal of Catholic annulments in America, in the prevalent culture of death endorsed by liberal Catholic politicians, and in the … [Read more...]

NFP: A Defense and an Explanation

What are the conditions according to which one may use NFP without offending Almighty God?

When is it licit for a married couple to use natural family planning (NFP)? What are the conditions according to which we may use this method without offending Almighty God? This will be my subject in this article both with reference to … [Read more...]

True freedom is interior

Editorial, February 2009

Freedom is what makes man to be man. Freedom is what distinguishes man from the rest of visible reality—sun, moon, stars, elements, plants and animals. On the natural level, freedom is man’s greatest gift or quality. What is freedom? Fre … [Read more...]

Reading Genesis with Cardinal Ratzinger

The author answers Catholic creationists by arguing that contemporary exegetes have sufficient reason to go beyond a literalist reading of Genesis.

How is a Catholic supposed to read the first chapter of Genesis that details the six days of creation? In a lecture entitled, “Restoration of Traditional Catholic Theology on Origins,” given at the First International Catholic Symposium on C … [Read more...]

Calumny in the Blogosphere

Calumnious blogging is a serious offense against God's law. Those who engage in it are jeopardizing their immortal souls and the souls of others.

Calumny is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary (1992) as a “false statement maliciously made to injure another’s reputation.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1994) places calumny as a serious sin under the Eighth Commandment, “ … [Read more...]

Pastoral Interpretation in Pope Benedict’s Jesus of Nazareth

As a pastoral rather than an academic work, Jesus of Nazareth preaches a Gospel that is centered in the person of Christ.

Much has been said both in praise and in criticism of Benedict XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth. Fergus Kerr, a theologian writing in the The Tablet, calls it Joseph Ratzinger’s best book. Peter Steinfels, a journalist writing in Commonweal, finds it … [Read more...]

Humanae Vitae: Grave Motives to Use a Good Translation

Knowing when it is permissible to space births is crucial for Catholic couples and they ought to have accurate moral direction.

A friend recently called with questions about childbirth, timidly confessing that she was pregnant with her fourth baby in six years while her youngest was eight months old. “It was unexpected,” she said quietly, “But I can’t tell my best fr … [Read more...]

A Catholic Physician Talks to Engaged Couples

How to live marriage in a way that brings maximal happiness to both husband and wife and in turn to the children.

St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that in all we do, we seek happiness. The primary source of earthly happiness for human beings—more than work, hobbies, sports, politics or any other interest—is those who are most dear to us. For most people, these … [Read more...]

Why Do Catholics Become Evangelicals?

Anytime a Catholic converts to a fundamentalist Evangelical denomination, “Even the altar cries,” and so should we.

In an article entitled, The Glory and Power of the Gospel, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa—Preacher to the papal household—in a retreat for 1,500 priests and seventy bishops has shockingly described the state of the Catholic Church in Latin Ame … [Read more...]