In the creed which we profess at Mass, we declare the Church to be one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. In the past, particularly in counter-reformation apologetics, it was not uncommon for these four marks to serve as a kind of litmus test … [Read more...]
Questions Answered – February 2020
Purgatory and Filthy Lucre Question: I teach RCIA and a catechumen in my class said he was taught that Catholics dreamed up Purgatory as a way to get money from people. I know Purgatory is referred to in Maccabees and responded that … [Read more...]
“How Shall This Be?”
A Call to Humility for a New Pentecost
Consider, O Brethren, this great marvel. God is on high: reach up to Him, and He flees from you; Lower yourself before Him, and He comes down to you. — St. Augustine There has been an almost-constant stream of news concerning sexual a … [Read more...]
Sacramental Fruitfulness and the Power of Pentecost
It has become quite evident that there is something like a “sacramental crisis” occurring in the Church today, that Sr. Sara, in her opening remarks, referred to as “this extraordinarily critical moment.” I would like to briefly explore thre … [Read more...]
Pentecost, the New Babel
One of the most beautiful and profound parallels of our dear Catholic faith is the notion of types and analogies. This means that many things in the Old Testament are foreshadowing of things in the New, or that certain things that were … [Read more...]
Come, Holy Spirit!
Feast of Pentecost
Sequence for Pentecost Veni, Sancte Spiritus, et emitte caelitus lucis tuae radium. Pentecost by Titian Come, Holy Ghost, send down those beams, which sweetly flow in silent streams from Thy bright throne … [Read more...]
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