In principio erat Verbum – Jn 1:1 The spirit of our age is one of irrationality. We are suspicious of people that make (universal) truth claims. We are suspicious of our own ability to reason and arrive at such claims. Our Post-Modern a … [Read more...]
The Spirit of Irrationality
January 27, 2025 by Fr. Timothy Eck
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: an irrational world, faith and reason, human nature, modern culture, postmodernism, reason, Truth
God and Caesar
November 20, 2013 by Fr. James Swetnam, SJ

In the Catholic view, the religious sphere is based on the virtue of faith. This faith is a gift of God ... In contrast, according to this Catholic view, the civil sphere is based on experience illumined by faith. That is to say, it is … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: “The Compendium of the Social Teaching of the Church”, civil sphere vs. religious sphere, common good, Dignitatis Humanae, discernment, faith as gift of God, freedom, God and Caesar, human dignity, Justice, love, natural law, philosophy, positive law, pro-life, public square, reason, solidarity, subsidiarity, Truth, virtue of faith
Questions Answered
October 6, 2013 by Fr. Brian Mullady, OP

What are the conditions for informed consent regarding rejection of medical treatment? Can you explain the limitations of law? Do unjust laws oblige us to obedience? Question: What are the conditions for informed consent regarding … [Read more...]
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