It is good to begin one’s search for truth with the awareness that we are always limited in our possession of truth. That limitation does not mean truth is unattainable. What Is Truth? by Nickolai Ge, 1890. From the earliest times, his … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
What concerns should a priest have in the weekly homily? “New Evangelization:” What does it mean, and what are its primary focuses? Question: What concerns should a priest have in the weekly homily? Answer: Priests know that the … [Read more...]
Looking Back at “Humani Generis”
The 1950 encyclical Humani Generis, “Concerning Some False Opinions Threatening to Undermine the Foundations of Catholic Doctrine,” should be understood in the context of the pontifical effort to reform Catholic intellectual life. Pope Pi … [Read more...]
Obstacles to Reading Scripture in Modernity: Von Balthasar’s Response
Hans Urs von Balthasar’s theological aesthetics {are} a remedy for the breakdown in modern biblical exegesis and the groundwork of an approach to revelation that allows the glory of God to show forth in all of its splendor. In the first b … [Read more...]
What does it mean to be “pastoral”?
The term “pastoral” comes from the Latin, pastor, meaning “shepherd,” and thus refers to the work and concern of the shepherd for his sheep. In the current ecclesiastical jargon, what is the meaning of the word “pastoral”? The term wa … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
Why is the Vatican investigating some orders of women religious? Why are so many Catholics, and some theologians, dissenting from Church teaching? Archbishop Sartain will work with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious … [Read more...]
Pro-lifers vs. relativism
Editorial, November 2010
The struggle between anti-abortion and pro-abortion groups in recent years, highlighted and brought to a peak in the debate over Obama’s healthcare bill, goes way beyond the issue of abortion and the right to life. The struggle is not just b … [Read more...]
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