St. James sent a strong message and warning to the Christians of his time when he advised them, “Let not many among you become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly [than those who a … [Read more...]
Resurrecting Catholic Schools
In his unforgettable book Out of the Ashes: Rebuilding American Culture, Anthony Esolen, with his typical elegance of prose, articulates the dissipation of American culture along with a clarion call to rebuild it. At a key moment in his … [Read more...]
Priests’ Perspectives on American Catholic School Identity
Introduction Catholic education is one of the great contributions of the Catholic Church to the United States. From the early Franciscan missionaries who built faith communities in the new world to the new religious orders, Catholic … [Read more...]
Evangelizing Catechesis
As a member of the USCCB’s Committee of Evangelization and Catechesis, we have spent a great deal of time developing a new vision of what we call “Evangelizing Catechesis.” We have defined it as such: At the heart of the Church’s mission to … [Read more...]
Wisdom for Another School Year
As my holy namesake proclaimed, “It is good for us to be here” (Mt 17:4). So, what are we facing in our upcoming Catholic school year? Our Catholic Education Foundation has received consistent input from teachers, administrators, parents, an … [Read more...]
The Sacrament of Reconciliation, the Needed Sacrament
Do you often look out over your congregation assembled for Mass, and wonder where and when the majority go to Confession? Do you, bishop . . . priest . . . deacon . . . inform your parishioners regularly that they have an obligation to … [Read more...]
Homeschooling Is Not the Ideal
[N.B: Essays appearing on Homiletic & Pastoral Review have been deemed to be compatible with the teaching of the Church, but do not necessarily reflect the opinions of HPR. Fr. Meconi and his staff have always been grateful for the hard … [Read more...]
Questions Answered — September 2020
Explaining Intinction Question: What is intinction? Why is it practiced? Is a concelebrating priest who does it celebrating Mass? Answer: The practice of intinction involves the priest taking the Sacred Host from the paten or ciborium, … [Read more...]
Intensive or Extensive Religious Education?
Why do parish religious education programs so often seem to be one-size-fits-all? Whether a parish’s program is dubbed religious education, faith formation, or good ol’ CCD, parish-based catechesis of children tends to be rather coo … [Read more...]
What a Catholic Education Owes Its Students
As our students—big and small—begin to return to school, it is good to be reminded of what a truly Catholic education owes its students. For most of human history, education was a private affair between (usually) a young boy and his tutor. I … [Read more...]
Winter Reading for January 2015
New Evangelization: Passing on the Catholic Faith Today. Cardinal Donald Wuerl. (Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor, 2013) 91 pages. (Reviewed by Dr. Edward Peters) ______ A Future Built on Faith: Religious Life and the Legacy o … [Read more...]
Winter Reading for December 2014
31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator. Jared Dees (Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press: 2013) 164 pages; $9.95. (Reviewed by Brandon Harvey) The Power of Four: Keys to the Hidden Treasures of the Gospels. Eduardo P. … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
What concerns should a priest have in the weekly homily? “New Evangelization:” What does it mean, and what are its primary focuses? Question: What concerns should a priest have in the weekly homily? Answer: Priests know that the … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
January 2014
What do you say to a non-Catholic man who received questionable advice from a priest about his marriage to a Catholic woman, and now wants to become Catholic as well? How engaged should the priest be in the religious education of the p … [Read more...]
The Need for Liturgy Within Parish Catechetical Programs
Some pastors have experienced people who register in the parish, and go to Mass for a short period of time, but leave once they get what they want: their wedding at their dream church, parish assistance with tuition, renting parish … [Read more...]
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