The Church’s Teaching on Labor Question: There has been much talk of people in the USA educated in socialism. Does this fit into Catholic teaching, for example, ppm the issue of wealth? Answer: The question of the theology of work is c … [Read more...]
Questions Answered – March 2024
Socialism: A Bad Penny

A May 2019 Gallup poll found that 43% of Americans think socialism would be a good thing in the U.S. 51% think it would be bad. Those numbers are up from 25% and 40%, respectively, in 1942, according to a Roper poll. However, it seems that … [Read more...]
Pope Francis and the Just Third Way

This article is now available in Spanish and Spanish-English PDFs. Pope Francis faces many challenges in his efforts to modernize the application of Catholic social doctrine to today’s problems, particularly the growing global wealth, i … [Read more...]
Religious Freedom, Slavery, and Usury
Three Challenges to the Hermeneutic of Continuity

Early on in his pontificate, Benedict XVI laid down the challenge of reading the Church’s teaching according to a hermeneutic of continuity, rather than according to what he characterized as a hermeneutic of rupture.[1. Benedict XVI, A … [Read more...]
John Paul II Brightens the Earth with His Holiness and Truth

Engaged so deeply in earthly human affairs and believing in each persons’ goodness, John Paul seems to be calling us from heaven with a special request for solidarity of those who live on earth, and those living, though yet unborn. … [Read more...]
“Where your synthesis is, there lies your heart.” An Early Look at Pope Francis’ Vision for the Church

Jesus Christ is the center – the driving source – of the entire Exhortation. Those who have been called, and have accepted Christ are sent into their particular life’s world to spread his name, and to do it joyfully. The sentence: “Wher … [Read more...]
A Liberationist Pope

Read carefully: We should see in this critique (by Pope Francis), not an embrace of socialism, or a condemnation of the market economy, but a call to adopt a different ethic for the marketplace. Pope Francis is a Jesuit, a prelate from … [Read more...]
The Social Teaching of John Paul II

John Paul wanted to move forward the Council’s openness and announcement of Christian hope to the postmodern world, but ... he saw that the excesses brought about by the Council were having destructive effects and acted to preserve the C … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
What is a just wage; the nature of the common good?

Just Wage Question: Can you explain what a just wage is, and how one would determine it? Answer: The problem of the just wage is what has been called the “social question.” In order to address this issue, it is necessary to underst … [Read more...]
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