An Ancient Near-Eastern Understanding of Matthew 5:13 and the Salt of the Earth

Matthew 5:13 is one of the most well-known and popular passages in Scripture. Salt of the earth is a phrase in common usage in the English language, but the phrase’s meaning now has deviated from the original context in which Jesus first s … [Read more...]

Sisters in the Same Spirit

The Cathedral of Mary our Queen and the Second Vatican Council

The following was originally given as part of a lecture series on the history and theology of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Baltimore, Maryland to the Cathedral parish. It has been slightly modified by the author for … [Read more...]

Why Israel Matters: The Biblical Roots of Catholic Zionism

The horrific Hamas attacks on Israel on October 7, 2023 and the ensuing war in Gaza have raised many questions among Catholics: Should they support Israel? And if so, should they do so on purely political or moral grounds (such as … [Read more...]

Advent and Eschaton

Advent is profoundly eschatological, a reality that grows more apparent as the season reaches its climax. In these days, Holy Mother Church considers Jesus Christ as the Approaching One, who brings into the middle of time not only the … [Read more...]

True Thanksgiving

The word “eucharist” may be defined in a few ways, but one of the original translations from the Greek is “thanksgiving” or “to give thanks.”[1. Cf. CCC 1328.] In modern culture, we often associate thankfulness with a sense of being happy … [Read more...]

Translating Each Other

A Rabbinic Reflection on Jewish-Catholic Understanding

Editor’s Note: Pope Benedict XVI reminded us in Verbum Domini 43, “I wish to state once more how much the Church values her dialogue with the Jews. Wherever it seems appropriate, it would be good to create opportunities for encounter and exc … [Read more...]

The Bride’s Response to the Bridegroom

Understanding the Call to Repent

  How should one consider the question, “Should the Church repent”? It is a complex question when being considered in both the light of the holiness of the Church and in the darkness of the sinfulness of her members through pre … [Read more...]

Judaism Ancient and New

Remnant of Israel At the present time, “there is a Remnant chosen by grace” (Romans 11:5). Isaiah cries out concerning Israel (Romans 9:27), “If the number is as the sand of the sea, a remnant will repent and return and be saved” (my tra … [Read more...]

A New Approach for Pastoral Ministry

Incorporating Biblical Creation Imagery and Apocalyptic Metaphors into Pastoral Care and Ministry

Biblical theology of creation is applicable in pastoral ministry, because of its rich cornucopia of imagery and metaphors of myth and apocalypse, imagination and paradoxes employed in demonstrating God’s omnipotence, omniscience, and o … [Read more...]

Transcendence After America Project

Restoring Jesus Christ to the Public Square

On the New Evangelization . . . . . . For her part, the Church in the United States is called, in season and out of season, to proclaim a Gospel which not only proposes unchanging moral truths but proposes them precisely as the key to … [Read more...]

The New Sarah and Abraham

“I thank you, Father, for you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little ones.” (Matthew 11:25) “In the beginning was the Word . . . and the Word became flesh . . .” (John 1) “So shall my Word be th … [Read more...]

Christ, the Sublime High Priest

Old and New Covenant Continuity and Fulfillment in Priesthood and Liturgy in Aquinas’s Commentary on Hebrews

Aquinas’s Commentary on Hebrews exquisitely treats of the relationship between the salvific works of Old Covenant sacrifices and their fulfillment in the person of Christ as supreme High Priest of the New Covenant. Contrary to the position o … [Read more...]

The Burning of a Cathedral

The Indestructible and Inconsumable Mysteries that Burn Within

Flames ravage the iconic Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, France. A priest, along with firefighters, rushes to rescue the Blessed Sacrament as well as the famous relic of the Crown of Thorns. All of this on what might be called Holy or … [Read more...]


Catholicism is not simply another “religion ... the sacrifice of the cross (the Mass) is not something that a natural religion could or did figure out. It had to be made known to man by God himself.   I. A brief, accurate statement of wh … [Read more...]