Lusting for Love: Flirtations with the Kiss of Death

The title of this article is intended to have a double meaning. On the one hand, the basic meaning of “Lusting for Love” is an expression of how desperately we, as human beings, long to love others deeply, just as we long to be loved by oth … [Read more...]

The Tragedy of Shamelessness

A New York Times editorial surfaced recently concerning the death of a famous “pioneer” in gay pornography. One might have expected some skepticism about this man’s accomplishments despite the cinematic quality of his work. Producers of porn … [Read more...]

What’s Going to Bring Me Happiness?

The Implications of a Shift from a Morality of Obligation to a Morality of Happiness

“ ‘What will bring us happiness?’ many say. Lord, let the light of your face shine upon us.” ~ Psalm 4:6. Do you ever feel like you are just going through the motions, checking off the good deed box because you feel obliged to do so? Do you … [Read more...]

The Preeminence of the Eternal and the Dignity of the Human Person

Do all men and women have their origin in the One True God? If so, have they been created to be concerned solely with what can be manipulated and obtained during this life, regardless of morality? Has mankind lost an awareness of the … [Read more...]

The Cohabitation Dilemma

The number of couples who choose to live together without marriage has risen dramatically in the past fifty years, from near zero to 60%. For Catholics the percentage is almost 50%. One subject regarding this which has received little … [Read more...]