Generation Z, or the Zoomers, are those who were born between 1996 – 2010. Their parents are mostly Generation X. Although many developed countries are struggling with aging populations and declining birth rates, Generation Z (hereafter: G … [Read more...]
Just a Click Away: Morality for Gen Z
Offering Formation of Good Conscience
Before and After the First Papal Tweet
How Benedict XVI Promoted “Communio” in a World of Social Communications

Originally presented at a conference on “Catholicity as Gift and Task” on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Communio, at St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry (Rochester, NY) on October 2, 2022. The historic date was 12/12 … [Read more...]
Book Reviews – October 2022

Touched by Christ: The Sacramental Economy. By Lawrence Feingold. Reviewed by Mark McCann. (skip to review) Transubstantiation: Theology, History, and Christian Unity. By Brett Salkeld. Reviewed by Dan Sherven. (skip to … [Read more...]
Faith and Reason, Like Milk and Cookies, Are Better Together

The old comedy series “Get Smart” featured a gizmo called the cone of silence. It was a glass silo that descended upon a group who wanted to have a private conversation. It never worked very well. The information silos in which technology wi … [Read more...]
Liturgical Lessons for Social Media from Medieval Hermits

In the face of stay-at-home orders and church closures put in place throughout the world to keep people safe from the coronavirus, Catholic priests have exhibited remarkable pastoral creativity. One has only to browse social media to see … [Read more...]
Entertaining Solitude
Recapturing Leisure by Contextualizing Entertainment Technology

It isn’t good for man to be alone. So is it good for man to be entertained alone? In the past century, the West has witnessed the proliferation of entertainment technology. Many readers of this article will have consumed some of it w … [Read more...]
Screen Time, Sacred Time
Could Tech Use Affect Your Ability to Pray?

Let me begin with a story I read a while ago that really got me thinking about screen time.[1.This article is based on a parish education presentation given in May 2017 at Saint Mary of the Visitation Catholic Parish, Elm Grove, … [Read more...]
Enter the Digital Continent of Preaching

Our preachers must lead people to align themselves with the Church, filling the chasm of the past two or more generations of those not in touch with this treasury of truth. The goal is eternal salvation, the growth of the Church is in the … [Read more...]
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