The Catholic Church in Germany was a total mess. Prelates were more interested in secular affairs and maintaining their own comfort than actually worshipping Jesus or sharing his teachings. When they did preach and engage in “spiritual” or “ … [Read more...]
Perseverance in Ministry: Lessons from Saint Peter Faber for Discouraging Times
Book Reviews – January 2025
Christ Brings All Newness: Essays, Reviews and Reflections. By Robert P. Imbelli. Reviewed by Rev. Bradley D. Easterbrooks. (skip to review) What Would Socrates Say? An Introduction to Philosophy by the Socratic Method. By Peter Kreeft. … [Read more...]
2024: The Year of Prayer
Pope Francis has called for 2024 to be honored as a “Year of Prayer.” What does this mean? The special character of this year is based on the year following, 2025, which is a jubilee year for the Church. The custom of the jubilee year has … [Read more...]
“Lord, Teach Us to Pray”
A Theological Reflection on the LORD’S Prayer as a Model for the Parish
Voices constantly scream at us with urgent demand, including our own anxieties. How is it that only a third of Catholics believe in the Eucharist? How am I supposed to evangelize a culture that is increasingly hostile to truth? Is there a … [Read more...]
Embodiment and Integral Witness
Pope Francis’ Early Teaching on Catechesis
As a bishop, Jorge Bergoglio communicated profound truth in a simple manner. In words as in deeds he embodied the goal of total identification: “My people are poor and I am one of them” was a plain fact that undergirded his episcopal min … [Read more...]
Resurrecting Catholic Schools
In his unforgettable book Out of the Ashes: Rebuilding American Culture, Anthony Esolen, with his typical elegance of prose, articulates the dissipation of American culture along with a clarion call to rebuild it. At a key moment in his … [Read more...]
Cooperative Catholic Elderly Living Experiments
Many Catholics, such as myself, who are old and living alone think about what our options are for better ways of life. We will often consult our pastors. Our greatest motivation is probably loneliness, but also the need to be taken care … [Read more...]
Coming Home for Easter: The Challenge and a Method
Steven Spielberg’s 1982 motion picture classic E. T. — The Extraterrestrial captured the hearts and minds of moviegoers around the world, with its combination of comedy, drama, and tragedy. The plot of the film described E.T.’s quest to “go … [Read more...]
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