Priests Who Cry Wolf

History shows that, when preaching about the end of the world, zealous and holy priests have not always been prudent priests. Take, for example, the preaching of Saint Gregory the Great. He lived in an era that many of his contemporaries … [Read more...]

Book Reviews – July 2022

The Restless Flame, Daniel Lord, S.J.: Thinking Big in a Parochial World! By Stephen A. Werner. Reviewed by Steven R. McEvoy. (skip to review) The Scandal of the Scandals. By Manfred Lütz. Reviewed by Robert Rooney. (skip to r … [Read more...]

The Formation of Priests: Knowledge and Sanctity

Though there has yet to be published a history of the formation of priests, the historic concern for good priests assumes that the Church has needed, and continues to need, effective seminaries and programs of formation Christ, the Good … [Read more...]

Preaching Gregory the Great’s Moral Sense of Scripture

Gregory’s Pastoral Rule offers the most extensive collection of his advice to preachers, but his letters to fellow bishops highlight his concern for the bishop as the moral leader of his flock.  Pope St. Gregory the Great “May the words … [Read more...]