“Humanae Vitae” and Sacred Scripture: A Missed Opportunity

While prophetic in many ways, the most controversial encyclical of the twentieth century might have been better received had a stronger biblical argument been made in its favor. This July 2013 we commemorate the 45th anniversary of Pope … [Read more...]

Existence as Persons In and Through Others

The human family is the relational image of the relational Trinity, in which each divine person is distinct from the other while eternally one with the other in communion, community, and communication.   We are aware of ourselves as … [Read more...]

“Read Your Thomas”: The Advice We Should Heed

Aquinas was the model philosopher for Ralph McInerny, and following the likes of 20th century Thomists such as Maritain, Gilson, Fabro, and DeKonick, he wanted the world (and the Church) to see the necessity of this man and his … [Read more...]

Celiac Disease and Holy Communion: A Medical and Spiritual Dilemma

In this article, I hope to inform as many people as possible ... about the damaging spiritual and physical effects of celiac disease. And ... provide resources and pastoral recommendations for caring for individuals who may be unable to … [Read more...]

Jesus and Marriage? A Theological Response

The celibacy of Jesus, and the Christian response to it, is ultimately a question of love, an intimate relation that is hard to grasp for modern man looking in from the outside.    Early papyrus fragment of "wife of Jesus;" Jesus Christ Pa … [Read more...]

Holy Communion: Sharing in the Threefold Munus of the Divine Gladiator

The Church early on espoused munus to designate the triple character or office of the God-Man, Jesus Christ: he is at the same time Priest, Prophet and King or Shepherd. Gladiators fighting to the death; Christ's glorious resurrection … [Read more...]

Thinking as a Christian with Josef Pieper

In an age when society is again becoming highly polarized, it is important to remember that the lack of real communication causes a breakdown in civility, and an increase in ignorance.   During his long lifetime, Josef Pieper (1904-1997) … [Read more...]

Getting a Grip on Gossip

The Church reminds us that we have the obligation to correct our brother’s fault for the sake of righteousness out of love ...  We are called to do this in a spirit of gentleness and humility. A First Down Broadmoor Drive Growing up in a … [Read more...]

Same-Sex Marriage and the Natural Law

The vertical dimension of human existence links man to his Creator. He is made in the image of God, intelligent and free. ... It is because man is a contingent, finite, intelligent, free creature of God that he is responsible to him for his … [Read more...]

The Beatitudes and the Gospel of Luke

And he, lifting up his eyes on his disciples, said: “Blessed are ye poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are ye that hunger now; for you shall be filled.  Blessed are ye that weep now, for you shall laugh. Blessed shall you be wh … [Read more...]

Glorious Wounds—Christ’s and Ours

You could say that Christ’s glorious wounds are our wounds. He took our humanity to himself in the Incarnation ... Christ’s humanity is completely ours.   Central to the mystery of the Christian faith is Jesus Christ’s suffering, death, an … [Read more...]

Merit Revisited

One of the most significant themes is the doctrine of merit.  This long-forgotten element of Catholic teaching has made a remarkably ostensible reappearance in the new translation. It seems that the implementation of the new translation … [Read more...]

Philosophy and the Immortality of the Human Soul: A Tool for the New Evangelization

Problem: There is a need today for the argument for the immortality of the human soul based on reason alone for both believers and non-believers. The first pages of Scripture allude to the nature of the human soul when the inspired … [Read more...]

St. Thomas Aquinas on the Prayer of Christ as Manifest in the Prayers of the Mass

The Angelic Doctor’s overarching concern in treating of Christ’s prayer is to show that Jesus’ primary purpose in praying was to draw us to imitate him. St. Thomas Aquinas begins his exposition on prayer in the Summa theologiae by expla … [Read more...]

Avoiding Cooperation with Evil: Keeping Your Nose Clean in a Dirty World

The most important distinction, when it comes to evaluating cooperation in evil, is the distinction between formal and material cooperation—formal cooperation being always wrong, while material cooperation might be wrong if a person does no … [Read more...]