The Value of Philosophy

True philosophy throws light on all other forms of knowledge, revealing their relation to each other...with philosophy underpinning them all. Especially does it help in the study of sacred theology, the supreme science based on God’s s … [Read more...]

Science and Faith

The theologian today must resist the impulse to denounce a scientific theory because it conflicts with his theological model. The scientist has to resist claiming that a finding of science invalidates a tenet of faith or doctrine. An … [Read more...]

Does Morality Inhibit Freedom?

St. Thomas Aquinas gave primacy to the natural reason as formative in our free choices—the use of reason ordered to truth, and the will ordered to the good, uniting to make a choice. “Jesus didn’t come to give us a bunch of rules.” Perh … [Read more...]

The divine will and human freedom: A Thomistic analysis

The unity of divine and human wills, as well as human freedom, are vital to Aquinas’ theology.

At the center of Nietzsche’s rejection of Christianity is the idea that Christianity involves an attack upon the human will. In The Antichrist he says the following: "The Christian conception of God…is one of the most corrupt conceptions of … [Read more...]

From conservation to consecration: Towards a Green Thomism

The Catholic tradition has much to contribute to an authentic environmentalism.

The Lord fills the earth with goodness. (Ps 33:5) Introduction “Ah! If we could and would only listen to the lesson of the bees…how much better the world would be! Working like bees with order and peace we would learn to enjoy and have o … [Read more...]

St. Thomas and Chesterton on law, human and divine

Both St. Thomas and Chesterton were aware that human laws do not always conform to the natural and eternal laws.

It was not Zeus who gave the order, And Justice living with the dead below Has never given men a law like this. Nor did I think that your pronouncements were So powerful that mere man could override The unwritten and unfailing laws of … [Read more...]

A Genuine “Return to Thomas”

BY KNOWLEDGE AND BY LOVE. By Michael S. Sherwin, O.P. (The Catholic University of America Press, P.O. Box 50370, Baltimore, Md. 21211, 2005), xxiii + 270 pp. HB $54.95.

There are two problems that have beset Thomistic philosophy and theology in the decades following the close of the Second Vatican Council, and it is difficult to decide which is the graver of the two. The first, and more general, is the … [Read more...]

Rehabilitation of Garrigou-Lagrange

THE SACRED MONSTER OF THOMISM. An Introduction of the Life and Legacy of Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. By Richard Peddicord, O.P. (St. Augustine’s Press. P.O. Box 2285, South Bend, Indiana 46680-2285, 2005), 250 pp. PB $25 clothbound.

There have been few figures in the theological climate of the last fiftyyears who have been as controversial as Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange. Fr. Lagrange taught generations of future priests who studied in Rome, including Pope John Paul II … [Read more...]

Introduction to Metaphysics

METAPHYSICS. By D. Q. McInerny (Fraternity Publications Service, Griffin Road, P.O. Box 196, Elmhurst, Pa. 18416, 2004), 361 pp. PB $24.00 plus $3.00 for P & H.

This book is a beautifully written volume, intended to provide a thorough introduction to metaphysics in the Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition. It covers what scholastic thought calls “general metaphysics,” including the first principles of m … [Read more...]

An Outline of an Outline

INTRODUCTION TO THE SUMMA THEOLOGIAE OF THOMAS AQUINAS. By John of St. Thomas; translated and introduced by Ralph McInerny (St. Augustine’s Press, P.O. Box 2285, South Bend, Ind. 46680, 2004), x + 182 pp. HB $27.00.

When you want to take a long trip by car to some place you have never visited before, it is essential to have a good map so you do not get lost. In a similar way, if you want to read the great Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas it is … [Read more...]

A Feast of High Theology

THOMAS AQUINAS AND THE LITURGY. By David Berger; translated by Christopher Grosz (Sapientia Press, 300 West Forest Ave., Ypsilanti, Mich. 48197, 2004), x + 127 pp. P8 $14.95.

This is truly a remarkable little book. In 113 modest-sized pages of text, the German Thomist David Berger offers us a feast of high theology, meditative reflection, and sharp critique. How many books offer a readable summary of St. … [Read more...]