An Ancient Near-Eastern Understanding of Matthew 5:13 and the Salt of the Earth

Matthew 5:13 is one of the most well-known and popular passages in Scripture. Salt of the earth is a phrase in common usage in the English language, but the phrase’s meaning now has deviated from the original context in which Jesus first s … [Read more...]

The Eucharist: The Prima Via of Divinization

The current state of the Church in our contemporary age, and those salient points to which she sets her vision, would suggest that the Eucharist remains at the core of all her efforts and activity.[1. Catechism of the Catholic Church (Citta … [Read more...]

The Son as Sacrament

The Eucharistic Poetry of John the Evangelist

The longer I have lived on this earth, the more I have fallen in love with the Eucharist and the sweet song of love it sings to me. As I drink in the Living Water of God’s word each day, I am swept away by the overwhelming flood of grace t … [Read more...]

Images of God’s Temple in Salvation History

Its Fulfillment in Christ

Four thousand years ago God promised Abraham that through his seed all the nations of the earth would be blessed. Implicitly this promise guaranteed a redeeming sacrifice for all mankind. In a reply to his son, Isaac, Abraham had uttered … [Read more...]

He Makes the Clouds His Chariot

Preaching the Ascension of Jesus Christ

Forty days after his Passion, Jesus was lifted up and taken from his apostles’ sight by a cloud (Acts 1:9). While the apostles were gazing into the sky, two white-robed men appeared and told them that Jesus had been taken up into heaven ( … [Read more...]

John 21 and the Papacy

In 1870, the first Vatican Council declared that papal primacy was found in John 21:15, saying, “Upon Simon Peter alone Jesus after His resurrection conferred the jurisdiction of the highest pastor and rector over his entire fold” when He to … [Read more...]

The New Sarah and Abraham

“I thank you, Father, for you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little ones.” (Matthew 11:25) “In the beginning was the Word . . . and the Word became flesh . . .” (John 1) “So shall my Word be th … [Read more...]

The Significance of Signs and Symbols

Our Catholic faith is replete with beautiful signs and symbols that remind us of our heritage, teachings and traditions as followers of Jesus. A Christian sign is something that gives us direction by pointing beyond itself to a spiritual … [Read more...]