Intentions in Jesus’ Moral Teaching Question: A Christian teacher states that the Sermon on the Mount contradicts the classic division of sin into mortal and venial. It does this by giving greater and greater punishment for lesser and l … [Read more...]
Ten Commandments That Should Shape Palliative Care
January 14, 2021 by Rev. Basil Cole, OP
The Ten Commandments that are found in the Old and New Testament are meant to set limits to human freedom so that when obeyed, they produce within human beings a set of virtues or inner strengths, which enable a certain flourishing of one’s … [Read more...]
Same-Sex Marriage and the Natural Law
May 3, 2013 by Rev. Robert A. O'Donnell, CSP
The vertical dimension of human existence links man to his Creator. He is made in the image of God, intelligent and free. ... It is because man is a contingent, finite, intelligent, free creature of God that he is responsible to him for his … [Read more...]
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