Heaven in the Heart

“It seems to me that I have found my heaven on earth, because my heaven is you, my God, and you are in my soul. You in me, and I in you — may this be my motto.” ~ St. Elizabeth of the Trinity What is the greatest earthly love we have known … [Read more...]

How Augustine Made Us More than Matter—and Immortal

St. Augustine was fascinated by the human soul. Before and after his conversion to Catholicism, he strove to understand its nature, its relation to the body, and its duration.  Augustine’s thinking on the soul, like the rest of his life, fo … [Read more...]

Questions Answered

What are the conditions for informed consent regarding rejection of medical treatment? Can you explain the limitations of law? Do unjust laws oblige us to obedience? Question: What are the conditions for informed consent regarding … [Read more...]

John Paul II’s “Triptych” of the Human Person

This article focuses on the first part of Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body which broadens the vision of humanity from not just this life (historical man), but to what God intended for man before the Fall (original man), as well as w … [Read more...]

Philosophy and the Immortality of the Human Soul: A Tool for the New Evangelization

Problem: There is a need today for the argument for the immortality of the human soul based on reason alone for both believers and non-believers. The first pages of Scripture allude to the nature of the human soul when the inspired … [Read more...]

From the HPR Archives – Part III

The following, by Johan Liljencrants, originally appeared on August 7, 1919, when Homiletic & Pastoral Review was known as “The Homiletic Monthly & Pastoral Review.”     “SPIRITISM AND RELIGION” A Reply to Criticism … [Read more...]