(S)ome interpreters of Vatican II took renewal to be merely a matter of the Church’s adaptation or accommodation to the standards of the modern world ... they took aggiornamento as an “isolated motive for renewal” ... simply adapting to the … [Read more...]
“Ressourcement,” “Aggiornamento,” and Vatican II in Ecumenical Perspective
July 26, 2014 by Eduardo Echeverria
Filed Under: Articles, Magazine Tagged With: Aidan Nichols OP, Dei Filius, Ecumenism, G.C. Berkouwer, Gaudet Mater Ecclesia, Germain Grisez, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Nouvelle Théologie (New Theology), Oscar Cullman, Pope John Paul II, Pope Paul VI, St. John XXIII, The Ratzinger Report, Unitatis Redintegratio, Ut unum sint, Vatican I, Vatican II
Benedict XVI on Freedom in Obedience to the Truth: A Key for the New Evangelization
May 12, 2014 by Dr. Matthew J. Ramage, PhD

... the more fundamental task ... is to form human hearts, beginning with those who have already been evangelized and need to be “newly evangelized,” those who know something already, but are not living it; those who are showing up in the pe … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Articles, Magazine Tagged With: “dictatorship of relativism”, abortion, authority, conscience, Ecumenism, freedom, Jesus of Nazareth (Benedict XVI), John Henry Cardinal Newman, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Lumen Fidei, Lumen Gentium, marxism, natural law, politics, Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis, Servais Pinckaers OP, the New Evangelization, The Ratzinger Report
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