The Roots of Moral Evil. By Dietrich von Hildebrand. Edited by Martin Cajthmal. Reviewed by Dr. Alexander Montes. (skip to review) The Deacon: Icon of Christ the Servant, Ministers of the Threshold. By Tim O’Donnell. Reviewed by Msgr. M … [Read more...]
Questions Answered – January 2025
How Does St. Thomas Aquinas Argue for God’s Existence? Question: I have heard about Aquinas’ five proofs for the existence of God years ago and I never really understood them. Would you be able to explain them and briefly comment on them? A … [Read more...]
Questions Answered – December 2024
Doctrine vs. Dogma: The Difference? Question: Dear Father Cush, I hope that this is a simple question — what’s the difference between doctrine and dogma? Answer: Dear Reader, that is a great question and it is one that even I get con … [Read more...]
Book Reviews – November 2023
Science at the Doorstep to God: Science and Reason in Support of God, the Soul, and Life After Death. By Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, S.J. Reviewed by Thomas P. Sheahen. (skip to review) The Faith Once for All Delivered: Doctrinal Authority in … [Read more...]
HPR Ressourcement
Monsignor William Brady, a professor of dogmatic theology at Saint Joseph’s Seminary and College in Dunwoodie, New York, was asked in 1900 by the founder of Homiletic and Pastoral Review (then titled The Homiletic Monthly & Catechist) t … [Read more...]
Questions Answered – June 2022
Can Holy Water Be Mixed? Question: Can you replenish holy water that you have for personal use by adding to it with regular water when it gets low? Answer: First it is important to discuss just what holy water is and what it signifies. … [Read more...]
I Will Give You a New Heart
It was not until after I finished my undergraduate degree in theology that I was explicitly introduced to the idea of theosis, the doctrine of God making men sharers in his divine life. Based on my personal experience, as well as my … [Read more...]
A Te Deum for Coronavirus?
Given the reality of the coronavirus pandemic which besets the country and the world, it seems only a matter of a short time before the anti-God proponents start dragging out the same old, tired arguments which they feel attack the … [Read more...]
The Charism of Priestly Celibacy
Teaching a course on Holy Orders in the seminary, which includes a unit on celibacy, has led me to reflect often on my own experience in the seminary from 1964 to 1972. During those years, everything was being questioned. Near the top of … [Read more...]
Boredom, Ordinary Time, and God’s Gift of Himself
It is routine to hear people good-heartedly mock the reasonableness of the Church’s liturgical calendar “celebrating” “Ordinary Time.” To celebrate ordinariness is a true curiosity within Western culture, because its members routinely seek e … [Read more...]
Review: Pope Francis: The Legacy of Vatican II
Pope Francis: The Legacy of Vatican II (Revised and Expanded Edition) by Dr. Eduardo J. Echeverria (Hobe Sound, FL: Lectio Publishers, 2019) 456 pages No one who has paid even the least amount of attention could fail to conclude that, … [Read more...]
Review: The Devil’s Redemption
McClymond, Michael J. The Devil’s Redemption: A New History and Interpretation of Christian Universalism. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2018. This is a very important book. In two large and carefully documented volumes Dr. McClymond, a p … [Read more...]
Is the Trinity a Mysterious Contradiction or a Rational Mystery?
Introduction Consider how central the Trinity is to our faith. We invoke the Trinity at the start and end of every Mass when we make the Sign of the Cross; those of us who pray the Rosary or the Divine Office will invoke the Trinity … [Read more...]
Mary and Prayer
Part III of a Marian Triptych
Mary is not a conceptual counterpoint to Christ, imagined and projected into the Gospels as a kind of semidivine goddess who was made manifest, as it were, in preparation for the coming of the Savior of mankind: a kind of “power of woman” to … [Read more...]
Analogy of Analogies
The Joyful Mysteries as Image of All Human History
A great tragedy occurred in salvation history in the so-called Enlightenment. An essential mammoth misfortune for this contrarily darkening age of the world, as well as, for that matter, the general period of thought and ideology between … [Read more...]
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