The title of this article is intended to have a double meaning. On the one hand, the basic meaning of “Lusting for Love” is an expression of how desperately we, as human beings, long to love others deeply, just as we long to be loved by oth … [Read more...]
Book Reviews – July 2024
Pope Francis and Mercy: A Dynamic Theological Hermeneutic. By Gill K. Goulding. Reviewed by Fr. Vien V. Nguyen, SCJ. (skip to review) Memoirs. By Jószef Cardinal Mindszenty. Reviewed by Fr. Joseph Briody. (skip to review) Gift and … [Read more...]
A Touch of Experience: Where Are You?
“In the light of the experience of many couples and of the data, . . . theological reflection is . . . called to study further the difference, both anthropological and moral, between contraception and recourse to the rhythm of the cycle: it … [Read more...]
A Bold Message of Love
Bishop Michael Burbidge’s Catechesis on the Human Person
In the month of the mighty messengers of God, the archangels, it is refreshing to hear a hope-filled message through Bishop Burbidge’s Catechesis on the Human Person and Gender Ideology.[1. Bishop Michael Burbidge, “A Catechesis on the Hum … [Read more...]
Teaching Racial Harmony from Theology of the Body
How should Catholic educators respond to the racial turmoil in recent years? Instead of adopting new materials and programs rooted in critical race theory,[1. Patrick Reilly, “Wrong Way to Teach About Race in Catholic Education,” Newman Soc … [Read more...]
Killed by the Dragon
The Effects of Contraception on Courtship and Marriage
The symbolism and words of the Book of Tobit strike us with surprising clarity, and in the manner of an “emperor with no clothes.” In our modern culture, with its “liberated” way of speaking about sex and sexuality, we have become used to su … [Read more...]
Discerning the Gift of Priestly Celibacy in Relation to Marriage
Every candidate to the priesthood, even those in the Oriental rites where celibacy is optional, must discern whether God is offering them the “precious gift of priestly celibacy.”[1. Presbyterorum Ordinis, 16.] In the Latin rite, priesthood … [Read more...]
Male and Female He Created Them: Ecumenical Reflections
Confusion. Division. Chaos. Heresy. These terms describe the effects of the serious flirtations with the Zeitgeist currently afflicting to a lesser or greater degree the Catholic Church — see the German and Belgium episcopacy — and other chu … [Read more...]
Conjugal Rights: Defined and Applied
Dr. Gregory Popcak recently suggested that a woman ignore the advice of her priest, who claimed that she should have sex with her husband despite his adultery.[1. Gregory Popcak and Rachel Popcak, “Does My Husband Have a Right to Sex?” Fai … [Read more...]
Some Notes for Preachers on the Reading of Ephesians Five in the Lectionary
In my years of presenting basic sacramental theology to engaged couples for pre-Cana, the interpretation of the literal sense of Ephesians five on marriage is something that has frequently occupied me. It was even an endeavor to which I was … [Read more...]
Book Reviews – April 2019
Reflections on the Sacred Liturgy, Vol. I: Lent & Holy Week By Fr. Thomas Hoisington. Reviewed by Stephanie A. Mann. (skip to review) Off the Hook: God, Love, Dating, and Marriage in a Hookup World By Timothy P. O’Malley. Reviewed b … [Read more...]
Teaching Humanae Vitae in the “Front Trenches” — Where It Ultimately Counts
Tumult Late July, 1968; large-tiered classroom at a Jesuit university. New Testament scholar Max Zerwick, SJ, is expounding upon the prologue to John’s Gospel, word by word, pericope by pericope. We graduate theology students, 150 s … [Read more...]
A Case for the Sacrament of Marriage
Did God intend marriage to be a union between one man and one woman, a union that is both permanent and indissoluble? Is marriage at its very essence meant to be a covenantal bond between a man and a woman, or is it just as easily entered … [Read more...]
What is Authentic Intimacy?
This article is a response to a Protestant couple that disagreed with the Church’s teaching on the dignity of the marriage act. It was a pleasant evening and we were discussing some of the books I was reading. The topic of contraception … [Read more...]
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