(S)ome interpreters of Vatican II took renewal to be merely a matter of the Church’s adaptation or accommodation to the standards of the modern world ... they took aggiornamento as an “isolated motive for renewal” ... simply adapting to the … [Read more...]
“Ressourcement,” “Aggiornamento,” and Vatican II in Ecumenical Perspective
Grace and Reason According to St. Paul and St. Thomas
...the world we live in is overwhelmingly irrational. Our popular discourse doesn’t make any sense at all. As Catholics, we need to understand what our faith teaches about this irrationality. We need to look to Scripture and t … [Read more...]
Looking Back at “Humani Generis”
The 1950 encyclical Humani Generis, “Concerning Some False Opinions Threatening to Undermine the Foundations of Catholic Doctrine,” should be understood in the context of the pontifical effort to reform Catholic intellectual life. Pope Pi … [Read more...]
Papal Infallibility: A Symbolic, Yet Problematic, Term
Although papal infallibility is commonly found in popular conversation, how well the term is understood is another matter. As Danny Garland, Jr., pointed out in his recent article on “The Development of the Dogma of Papal I … [Read more...]
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